Back when I first installed ovirt a couple months ago, I tried importing
VMs through my export domain and one of the VM's got "stuck" in the process.

Importing VM Server_BACKUP_20170807_010018 to Cluster OVIRT-Cluster Aug 13,
2017 11:59:29 PM N/A 751cb290-7cb8-4ed7-a4e7-e8b9743cf2dc
[image: Inline image 4] Validating Aug 13, 2017 11:59:29 PM until Aug 13,
2017 11:59:29 PM
[image: Inline image 5] Executing Aug 13, 2017 11:59:29 PM until Aug 13,
2017 11:59:37 PM
[image: Inline image 6] Finalizing

I tried running

sudo su postgres
./ -R -u postgres -d engine -s /tmp
(Found in /usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils, oddly it would ONLY run
with the -s /tmp, so I am not sure if this is actually running on the
correct server).

Anyone know of what I can do to clear that task?
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