You need more than one host for power management

On Sep 29, 2017 4:25 PM, "~Stack~" <> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I hit up the IRC earlier, but only crickets. Guess no one wants to stick
> around late on a Friday night. :-D
> I'm an ovirt newb here. I've been going through the docs setting up 4.1
> on Scientific Linux 7.4. For the most part everything is going well once
> I learn how to do it. I'm, however, stuck on power management.
> I have multiple networks:
> 192.168.1.x is my BMC/ilo network. The security team wants as few entry
> points into this as possible and wants as much segregation as possible.
> 192.168.2.x is my "management" access network. For my other machines on
> this network this means admin-SSH/rsyslog/SaltStack configuration
> management/ect.
> 192.168.3.x is my high speed network where my NFS storage sits and
> applications that need the bandwidth do their thing.
> 10.10.86.x is my "public" access
> All networks are configured on the Host network settings. Mostly
> confident I got it least each network/IP matches the right
> interface. ;-)
> Right now I only have the engine server and one hyper-visor. On either
> host I can ssh into the command line and run fence_ipmilan -a
> 192.168.1.x -l USER -p PASS -o status -v -P" it works, all is good.
> However, when I try to add it in the ovirt interface I get an error. :-/
> Edit Host -> Power Management:
> Address:
> User Name: root
> Password: SorryCantTellYou
> Type: ipmilan
> Options: <blank>
> Test
> Test failed: Failed to run fence status-check on host ''. No
> other host was available to serve as proxy for the operation.
> Yes, same host because I only have one right now. :-)
> Any help or guidance would be much appreciated. In the meantime I'm
> going back to the docs to poke at a few other things I need to figure
> out. :-)
> Thanks!
> ~Stack~
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