
I've got a single host running CentOS 7.3 + Ovirt 4.0.6 with hosted
engine.  I'm having network issues (see previous email thread) and the
next thing I'm going to try is to add a new network card and use that
instead of the onboard ethernet on the mobo.  However it looks like
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* get replaced every time the host

Right now it's configured with:

  eno1, eno2 -> bond0 -> ovirtmgmt

I accomplished this by setting up the bond by hand on the host before I
installed the hosted engine, but then ovirt "took control" of the
configuration.  I want to change this to replace eno1 and eno2 with the
two new devices when I add the new card tomorrow.  What's the best way
to do this?

I suppose I can just add the new devices as bond0 slaves pretty easily
by creating new ifcfg-xxx files for the new devices (I'm assuming they
will be eno3 and eno4) that looks similar to the eno1 and eno2 files.
However I'd like to also remove eno1 and eno2 from bond0.  Yet I suspect
if I change ifcfg-eno1 and ifcfg-eno2 by hand, they will just get
replaced at the next reboot by ovirt.

How do I convince ovirt to stop overwriting those files?  Or how do I
tell ovirt about the new configuration?


       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       de...@ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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