On 10/16/2017 11:21 AM, Sahina Bose wrote:

On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 2:33 PM, Arsène Gschwind <arsene.gschw...@unibas.ch <mailto:arsene.gschw...@unibas.ch>> wrote:


    My setup uses a separate physical network for gluster storage,
    this network is available on all hosts and defined as gluster
    network in the engine but the engine itself has no connection to
    that network.
    Does the engine need to have a connection to the gluster network?

No, it does not.

    engine.log reports a lot of those warnings:

    2017-10-16 10:56:58,789+02 INFO
    (DefaultQuartzScheduler8) [44485247] START,
    GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand(HostName = spfy-hw03,
    hostId='78cb5865-a771-415b-af27-79e4681a6831'}), log id: 75765557
    2017-10-16 10:56:58,987+02 WARN
    (DefaultQuartzScheduler8) [44485247] Could not associate brick
    'spfy-hw01:/gluster/engine/brick' of volume
    'af169181-d72e-4325-9947-d7dd09e512f0' with correct network as no
    gluster network found in cluster
    2017-10-16 10:56:58,991+02 WARN
    (DefaultQuartzScheduler8) [44485247] Could not associate brick
    'spfy-hw02:/gluster/engine/brick' of volume
    'af169181-d72e-4325-9947-d7dd09e512f0' with correct network as no
    gluster network found in cluster
    2017-10-16 10:56:58,994+02 WARN
    (DefaultQuartzScheduler8) [44485247] Could not associate brick
    'spfy-hw03:/gluster/engine/brick' of volume
    'af169181-d72e-4325-9947-d7dd09e512f0' with correct network as no
    gluster network found in cluster
    2017-10-16 10:56:59,016+02 INFO
    (DefaultQuartzScheduler8) [44485247] FINISH,
    GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand, return:
    log id: 75765557

    What does this mean?

spfy-hw01, spfy-hw02, spfy-hw03 - Do these resolve correctly to the gluster network's IP address that engine knows? This message indicates that engine cannot resolve spfy-hw01 to associate it with one of the host's network.
This names do resolve the oVirt hosts IP but not the effective gluster IP, this is the case only for the engine gluster volume and has been set at HE setup. Is there a way to change this for HE? using the UI it seems not possible....

    Thanks for any info / help.


    *Arsène Gschwind*
    Fa. Sapify AG im Auftrag der Universität Basel
    IT Services
    Klingelbergstr. 70 |  CH-4056 Basel  | Switzerland
    Tel. +41 79 449 25 63  | http://its.unibas.ch <http://its.unibas.ch/>
    ITS-ServiceDesk: support-...@unibas.ch
    <mailto:support-...@unibas.ch> | +41 61 267 14 11

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*Arsène Gschwind*
Fa. Sapify AG im Auftrag der Universität Basel
IT Services
Klingelbergstr. 70 |  CH-4056 Basel  |  Switzerland
Tel. +41 79 449 25 63  | http://its.unibas.ch <http://its.unibas.ch/>
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