I think you would need an IP address on IF2, otherwise the HE cannot
communicate with the host.

If you have an entry in /etc/hosts that resolves the FQDN of the host
to the IP on IF2 then I think the setup script should create the
ovirtmgmt bridge there.

On 8 November 2017 at 12:33, Arsène Gschwind <arsene.gschw...@unibas.ch> wrote:
> Any hint or answer to my question?
> I've searched around but couldn't find any answer...
> On 10/31/2017 10:36 AM, Arsène Gschwind wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question about ovirtmgmt network.
> When deploying Hosted-Engine it creates ovirtmgmt bridge on top of main nic
> of the host. This means the HE will be connected to the same network as the
> main Host connection. Is it possible to separate those subnet, let say I
> would have something like
> Host:
> IP: 10.0.a.b (VLAN a untagged) The host has an IP address on that interface
> GW: 10.0.a.gw
> Then i would have a tagged VLAN on top of that interface :
> IF2 : 10.0.c.x (VLAN c tagged) The host has no IP address on that interface
> GW: 10.0.c.gw
> Would it be possible to have the HE connected on IF2, if Yes how do we
> deploy such a setup?
> Thanks for any hint.
> Rgds,
> Arsène
> --
> Arsène Gschwind
> Fa. Sapify AG im Auftrag der Universität Basel
> IT Services
> Klingelbergstr. 70 |  CH-4056 Basel  |  Switzerland
> Tel. +41 79 449 25 63  |  http://its.unibas.ch
> ITS-ServiceDesk: support-...@unibas.ch | +41 61 267 14 11
> --
> Arsène Gschwind
> Fa. Sapify AG im Auftrag der Universität Basel
> IT Services
> Klingelbergstr. 70 |  CH-4056 Basel  |  Switzerland
> Tel. +41 79 449 25 63  |  http://its.unibas.ch
> ITS-ServiceDesk: support-...@unibas.ch | +41 61 267 14 11
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