On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 5:28 PM, Wesley Stewart <wstewa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is the VM showing as locked?  You could try to manually unlocking it.  I
> did this in a test environment a while back with some success after a vm
> was stuck in a "locked" state.  Of course the gui and engine should handle
> most of this for you, manually mucking around the internal DB can cause
> some pretty serious issues if you are not careful...
> sudo su postgres
> psql -d engine -U postgres
> SELECT vm_guid, vm_name FROM vm_static WHERE vm_name='*VM_Name_Here*';
> This should return a string such as: "0ec20854-e1ca-4e49-be87-
> a6cd36d40c18"
> Reset the lock:
> update vm_dynamic SET status=0 where vm_guid='0ec20854-e1ca-4e49-
> be87-a6cd36d40c18';
I'd prefer to avoid direct manage of the rdbms...

As it happened on Friday, after running again the command

PGPASSWORD=... /usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils/unlock_entity.sh -t
all -u engine

now the gui after some time shows no active task

but the vm still shows as locked and in the event pane I only have the
Snapshot '13-11-2017-16-30-Danilo' creation for VM 'apex' was initiated by
but no message about its correct completion

This is my disks' subtab situation for the vm, where it seems all ok:

And this the snapshots' subtab where it seems all ok:

But the VM has the lock symbol in side of itself.
Any guidance appreciated, both to solve the problem and to understand if
the snapshot is consistent, as a user should to changes to the VM with a
chance to have to come back

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