On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 11:14 AM, Roberto Nunin <robnu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Another attempt to fully check deploy of ovirt-node-ng and hoste engine in
> my lab environment.
> Ovirt node image used: ovirt-node-ng-installer-ovirt-4.2-pre-2017121215
> <(201)%20712-1215>.iso
> Three HPE Proliant BL680cG7, with local storage (Gluster).
> Full deploy from scratch, executed two times just to have confirmation.
> In both cases I had the same condition.
> Gluster deploy complete without issues.
> Hosted Engine do not complete, hangs at the end of the process, when HE VM
> is answering correctly.
> Imported two additional hosts (now that part works correctly)
> Added first data domain, ok
> Imported automatically the hosted-engine data domain
> Failed to import the Hosted Engine VM is the error that appear in the
> event log.
It's looping here:

2017-12-14 00:57:07,591+0100 INFO otopi.plugins.gr_he_common.vm.misc
misc._closeup:125 Shutting down the engine VM
2017-12-14 00:57:12,604+0100 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.tasks
tasks.wait:54 Waiting for VM down
2017-12-14 00:57:17,617+0100 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.tasks
tasks.wait:54 Waiting for VM down
2017-12-14 02:24:11,658+0100 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.tasks
tasks.wait:54 Waiting for VM down
2017-12-14 02:24:13,157+0100 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:143
method exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/otopi/context.py", line 133, in
line 143, in _closeup
    if not waiter.wait():
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_hosted_engine_setup/tasks.py", line
53, in wait
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/otopi/main.py", line 53, in _signal
    raise RuntimeError("SIG%s" % signum)
RuntimeError: SIG1

Could you please attach vdsm and libvirt logs from setup time?

> Attached the HE deploy log and HE engine.log, where are reported all the
> attempts to import HE VM:
> 2017-12-14 01:43:38,733+01 ERROR 
> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.HostedEngineImporter]
> (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-259) [1193f931] Failed importing
> the Hosted Engine VM
> 2017-12-14 01:43:38,739+01 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.
> dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] 
> (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-259)
> [1193f931] EVENT_ID: HOSTED_ENGINE_VM_IMPORT_FAILED(10,457), Failed
> importing the Hosted Engine VM
> 2017-12-14 01:43:53,703+01 ERROR 
> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.HostedEngineImporter]
> (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-266) [4d597e01] Failed importing
> the Hosted Engine VM
> 2017-12-14 01:44:08,812+01 ERROR 
> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.HostedEngineImporter]
> (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-273) [5cef57aa] Failed importing
> the Hosted Engine VM
> This is the screenshot of the "frozen"  phase
> [image: Immagine incorporata 1]
> Any hint about find the reason about the failed import ?
> Thanks in advance. Available for further tests.
> --
> Roberto
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