On 29 December 2017 at 09:11, Michal Skrivanek
<michal.skriva...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 29 Dec 2017, at 10:03, Ed Stout <edst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 29 December 2017 at 08:42, Michal Skrivanek
>> <michal.skriva...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> On 29 Dec 2017, at 09:34, Ed Stout <edst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Good Morning,
>>>> Perhaps someone could clarify for me, please - to update oVirt Nodes
>>>> from 4.1.8 -> 4.2, should I just be able to yum install the 4.2
>>>> release file, then yum update?
>>> Hi,
>>> yes, that should be the right one
>>>> Or, do I have to start with the 4.2
>>>> ISO then update from there?
>>>> When I try the former it fails with dependency issues for the nodes, I
>>>> did however manage to update a self hosted appliance engine to 4.2.  I
>>>> had a read through the mailing list archive and couldn't find similar
>>>> issues, so perhaps I'm doing something wrong.
>>>> --> Processing Dependency: lshw for package: 
>>>> vdsm-
>>>> --> Finished Dependency Resolution
>>>> Error: Package: ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-2.2.3-1.el7.centos.noarch 
>>>> (ovirt-4.2)
>>>>          Requires: libvirt-daemon-config-network
>>>> Error: Package: ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-2.2.3-1.el7.centos.noarch 
>>>> (ovirt-4.2)
>>>>          Requires: virt-install
>>>> Error: Package: glusterfs-geo-replication-3.12.3-1.el7.x86_64
>>>> (ovirt-4.2-centos-gluster312)
>>>>          Requires: python-prettytable
>>>> Error: Package: vdsm- (ovirt-4.2)
>>>>          Requires: lshw
>>>> Error: Package: glusterfs-events-3.12.3-1.el7.x86_64
>>>> (ovirt-4.2-centos-gluster312)
>>>>          Requires: python-prettytable
>>>> You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
>>>> You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles —nodigest
>>> can you list all your enabled repos? Seems you're missing the base CentOS
>>> Thanks,
>>> michal
>> Sure, thanks for the reply - I have 3 nodes, installed from the 4.1.x
>> oVirt node ISOs, no custom packages/repos, that see the same (minus
>> the 4.2 added here).
>> [root@onode3 ~]# yum repolist enabled
>> Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, imgbased-persist
>> Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
>> * ovirt-4.1-epel: mirrors.ukfast.co.uk
>> * ovirt-4.2: ftp.snt.utwente.nl
>> * ovirt-4.2-epel: mirrors.ukfast.co.uk
>> repo id
>>                                 repo name
>>                           status
>> centos-opstools-release/x86_64
>>                                 CentOS-7 - OpsTools - release
>>                              421
>> centos-sclo-rh-release/x86_64
>>                                 CentOS-7 - SCLo rh
>>                            6,534
>> ovirt-4.1/7
>>                                 Latest oVirt 4.1 Release
>>                            2,101
>> ovirt-4.1-centos-gluster38/x86_64
>>                                 CentOS-7 - Gluster 3.8
>>                               31
>> ovirt-4.1-epel/x86_64
>>                                 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7
>> - x86_64
>>                           12,184
>> ovirt-4.1-patternfly1-noarch-epel/x86_64
>>                                 Copr repo for patternfly1 owned by
>> patternfly
>>                                   2
>> ovirt-4.2/7
>>                                 Latest oVirt 4.2 Release
>>                              179
>> ovirt-4.2-centos-gluster312/x86_64
>>                                 CentOS-7 - Gluster 3.12
>>                               93
>> ovirt-4.2-centos-opstools/x86_64
>>                                 CentOS-7 - OpsTools - release
>>                              421
>> ovirt-4.2-centos-ovirt42/x86_64
>>                                 CentOS-7 - oVirt 4.2
>>                              201
>> ovirt-4.2-centos-qemu-ev/x86_64
>>                                 CentOS-7 - QEMU EV
>>                               39
>> ovirt-4.2-epel/x86_64
>>                                 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7
>> - x86_64
>>                           12,184
>> ovirt-4.2-virtio-win-latest
>>                                 virtio-win builds roughly matching
>> what will be shipped in upcoming RHEL
>>                                  35
>> ovirt-centos-ovirt41/x86_64
>>                                 CentOS-7 - oVirt 4.1
>>                              456
>> sac-gdeploy/x86_64
>>                                 Copr repo for gdeploy owned by sac
>>                                4
>> virtio-win-stable
>>                                 virtio-win builds roughly matching
>> what was shipped in latest RHEL
>>                                   5
>> repolist: 34,890
> I think it’s missing the base centos repos, maybe that is a bug in the 
> initial deployment.
> Try to add base CentOS 4.2 repo from CentOS site, all the above are supposed 
> to be “on top” of that one
> Thanks,
> michal

Much obliged - the CentOS-Base.repo is there, but set to 'enabled=0' -
perhaps a bug somewhere along the line as you say - with it enabled it
lets the yum update run as far as confirming the 'Transaction
Summary', suspect it will be ok now.  Many thanks.

>>>> OS Version:
>>>> RHEL - 7 - 4.1708.el7.centos
>>>> OS Description:
>>>> oVirt Node 4.1.8
>>>> Kernel Version:
>>>> 3.10.0 - 693.11.1.el7.x86_64
>>>> KVM Version:
>>>> 2.9.0 - 16.el7_4.8.1
>>>> LIBVIRT Version:
>>>> libvirt-3.2.0-14.el7_4.5
>>>> VDSM Version:
>>>> vdsm-4.19.43-1.el7.centos
>>>> SPICE Version:
>>>> 0.12.8 - 2.el7.1
>>>> GlusterFS Version:
>>>> glusterfs-3.8.15-2.el7
>>>> CEPH Version:
>>>> librbd1-0.94.5-2.el7
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ed
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