On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 9:33 PM, Maor Lipchuk <mlipc...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> What i need is that informations about vms is replicated to the remote
>> site with disk.
>> In an older test i had the issue that disks were replicated to remote
>> site, but vm configuration not!
>> I've found disks in the "Disk"  tab of storage domain, but nothing on VM
>> Import.
> Can you reproduce it and attach the logs of the setup before the disaster
> and after the recovery?
> That could happen in case of new created VMs and Templates which were not
> yet updated in the OVF_STORE disk, since the OVF_STORE update process was
> not running yet before the disaster.
> Since the time of a disaster can't be anticipated, gaps like this might
> happen.

I haven't tried the recovery yet using ansible. It was an experiment
of possible procedure to be performed manually and was on 4.0.
I asked about this unexpected behavior and Yaniv returned me that was
due to OVF_STORE not updated and that in 4.1 there is an api call that
updates OVF_STORE on demand.

I'm creating a new setup today and i'll test again and check if i
still hit the issue. Anyway if the problem persist i think that
engine, for DR purposes, should upgrade the OVF_STORE as soon as
possible when a new vm is created or has disks added.

>> Ok, but if i keep master storage domain on a non replicate volume, do
>> i require this function?
> Basically it should also fail on VM/Template registration in oVirt 4.1 since
> there are also other functionalities like mapping of OVF attributes which
> was added on VM/Templates registeration.

What do you mean? That i could fail to import any VM/Template? In what case?

Another question:

we have 2 DCs in main site, do we require to have also 2 DCs in
recovery site o we can import all the storage domains in a single DC
on recovery site? There could be uuid collisions or similar?

Thank you so much for your replies,

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