also you can download them throught these


Thanks again !!!!
Best Regards

Il 13/02/2018 14:52, Maor Lipchuk ha scritto:

On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 3:51 PM, Maor Lipchuk <mlipc...@redhat.com <mailto:mlipc...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 3:42 PM, Enrico Becchetti
    <mailto:enrico.becche...@pg.infn.it>> wrote:

        see the attach files please ... thanks for your attention !!!

    Seems like the engine logs does not contain the entire process,
    can you please share older logs since the import operation?

And VDSM logs as well from your host

        Best Regards

        Il 13/02/2018 14:09, Maor Lipchuk ha scritto:

        On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 1:48 PM, Enrico Becchetti
        <mailto:enrico.becche...@pg.infn.it>> wrote:

             Dear All,
            I have been using ovirt for a long time with three
            hypervisors and an external engine running in a centos vm .

            This three hypervisors have HBAs and access to fiber
            channel storage. Until recently I used version 3.5, then
            I reinstalled everything from scratch and now I have 4.2.

            Before formatting everything, I detach the storage data
            domani (FC) with the virtual machines and reimported it
            to the new 4.2 and all went well. In
            this domain there were virtual machines with and without

            Now I have two problems. The first is that if I try to
            delete a snapshot the process is not end successful and
            remains hanging and the second problem is that
            in one case I lost the virtual machine !!!

        Not sure that I fully understand the scneario.'
        How was the virtual machine got lost if you only tried to
        delete a snapshot?

            So I need your help to kill the three running zombie
            tasks because with taskcleaner.sh I can't do anything
            and then I need to know how I can delete the old snapshots
            made with the 3.5 without losing other data or without
            having new processes that terminate correctly.

            If you want some log files please let me know.

        Hi Enrico,

        Can you please attach the engine and VDSM logs

            Thank you so much.
            Best Regards

            Users mailing list
            Users@ovirt.org <mailto:Users@ovirt.org>

-- _______________________________________________________________________

        Enrico Becchetti                    Servizio di Calcolo e Reti

        Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Perugia
        Via Pascoli,c/o Dipartimento di Fisica  06123 Perugia (ITALY)
        Phone:+39 075 5852777 <tel:+39%20075%20585%202777>              Mail: 
Enrico.Becchetti<at>pg.infn.it <http://pg.infn.it>


Enrico Becchetti                    Servizio di Calcolo e Reti

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Perugia
Via Pascoli,c/o Dipartimento di Fisica  06123 Perugia (ITALY)
Phone:+39 075 5852777             Mail: Enrico.Becchetti<at>pg.infn.it


Enrico Becchetti                    Servizio di Calcolo e Reti

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Perugia
Via Pascoli,c/o Dipartimento di Fisica  06123 Perugia (ITALY)
Phone:+39 075 5852777             Mail: Enrico.Becchetti<at>pg.infn.it

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