On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 12:13 PM, Artem Tambovskiy <
artem.tambovs...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Last weekend my cluster suffered form a massive power outage due to human
> mistake.
> I'm using SHE setup with Gluster, I managed to bring the cluster up
> quickly, but once again I have a problem with duplicated host_id  (
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1543988) on second host and
> due to this second host is not capable to run HE.
> I manually updated file hosted_engine.conf with correct host_id and
> restarted agent & broker - no effect. Than I rebooted the host itself -
> still no changes. How to fix this issue?

I'd suggest to run this command on the engine VM:
sudo -u postgres scl enable rh-postgresql95 --  psql -d engine -c 'select
vds_name, vds_spm_id from vds'
(just  sudo -u postgres psql -d engine -c 'select vds_name, vds_spm_id from
vds'  if still on 4.1) and check
/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/hosted-engine.conf on all the involved host.
Maybe you can also have a leftover configuration file on undeployed host.

When you find a conflict you should manually bring down sanlock
In doubt a reboot of both the hosts will solve for sure.

> Regards,
> Artem
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