
For the record :
The workaround you suggest below is successful.

Thank you.

Nicolas Ecarnot

Le 27/02/2018 à 14:15, Ondra Machacek a écrit :

On 02/27/2018 11:29 AM, Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:
Le 26/02/2018 à 15:00, Yedidyah Bar David a écrit :
But how do we add custom rules in case of firewalld type?

Please see: https://ovirt.org/blog/2017/12/host-deploy-customization/
Hello Didi and al,

- I followed the advices found in this blog page, I created the exact same filename with the adequate content.
- I've setup the cluster type to firewalld
- I restarted ovirt-engine
- I reinstalled a host

I see no usage of this Ansible yml file.
I see the creation of an ansible deploy log file for my host, and I see the usual firewall ports being opened, but I see nowhere any usage of the /etc/ovirt-engine/ansible/ovirt-host-deploy-post-tasks.yml file.
- I added the debug msg part in the ansible recipe, but to no avail.
- Huge grepping through the /var/log of the engine shows no calls of this script.

Thus, I see no effect on ports of the host's firewalld config.

What should I look at now?

It looks like you hit the following bug:


It will be fixed in 4.2.2 release.

I believe you can meanwhile remove line:

  - oVirt-metrics

from file:


Thank you.

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