On 04/18/2018 09:55 AM, ~Stack~ wrote:
> On 04/18/2018 08:41 AM, Eitan Raviv wrote:

>>     but on my setup it can be resolved: initially the second
>>     network is proclaimed missing and the host becomes non-operational,
>>     with its interfaces disappearing from the engine as you reported.
>>     But if the second network is rendered 'not-required' or even deleted
>>     for that matter from the engine, engine succeeds in reconnecting to
>>     the second host within a couple of minutes, and the host gains 'up'
>>     status.
> Setting the second network to 'not-required' does not seem to break my
> hosts out of their infinite loop.

Confirmed. Setting the second network to 'not required' did not break
the loop. I hard powered off the box, let ovirt set it as down (thus
breaking the loop), then powered it back on. The loop continued (at
least twice anyway - takes roughly 5 minutes for a loop).

> I haven't tried deleting the second network yet. Let me try that before
> I rebuild to test the first point.

Confirmed. Same thing as above only this time I deleted every network
but ovirtmgmt. Again, went through 2 full loops without resolving.

I am going to do a fresh rebuild and test by having the second network
set to 'not required' before adding a second host.


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