Dear Nir,

I believe i understand now. The image imported is not base image, but required 
backing file to be able to work properly.

Maybe silly move, but i have tried to “solve/workaround” around the problem by 
rebasing image to remove backing file dependency, but it’s clear now why I than 
saw that “no bootable device found” during imported VM boot.

I support you suggestion to solve the import by either importing complete chain 
or recreating image so in a way it’s independent from former chain.

If you decide to go this way, please let me know which issue to track and if 
you need any more data provided from me.

I still need to solve problem with 200+ VM wanting to move to oVirt.

Kindly awaiting further updates.

— — —
Met vriendelijke groet / Best regards,

Marko Vrgotic
Sr. System Engineer

Tel. +31 (0)35 677 4131
From: Nir Soffer <>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2018 5:13:47 PM
To: Vrgotic, Marko
Cc:; Richard W.M. Jones; Arik Hadas
Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] Libvirt ERROR cannot access backing file after 
importing VM from OpenStack

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 6:06 PM Vrgotic, Marko 
<<>> wrote:
Dear Nir,

Thank you for quick reply.

Ok, why it will not work?

Because the image has a backing file which is not accessible to oVirt.

I used qemu+tcp connection, via import method through engine admin UI.

Images was imported and converted according logs, still “backing file” invalid 
entry remained.

Also, I did use same method before, connecting to plain “libvirt kvm” host, 
import and conversion went smooth, no backend file.

Image format is qcow(2) which is supported by oVirt.

What am I missing? Should I use different method?

I guess this is not a problem on your side, but a bug in our side.

Either we should block the operation that cannot work, or fix the process
so we don't refer to non-existing image.

When importing we have 2 options:

- import the entire chain,  importing all images in the chain, converting
 each image to oVirt volume, and updating the backing file of each layer
to point to the oVirt image.

- import the current state of the image into a new image, using either raw
or qcow2, but without any backing file.

Arik, do you know why we create qcow2 file with invalid backing file?


Kindly awaiting your reply.

— — —
Met vriendelijke groet / Best regards,

Marko Vrgotic
Sr. System Engineer

Tel. +31 (0)35 677 4131<tel:+31%2035%20677%204131>
From: Nir Soffer <<>>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2018 4:09:40 PM
To: Vrgotic, Marko
Cc:<>; Richard W.M. Jones; Arik Hadas
Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] Libvirt ERROR cannot access backing file after 
importing VM from OpenStack

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 5:05 PM Vrgotic, Marko 
<<>> wrote:

Dear oVirt team,

When trying to start imported VM, it fails with following message:

ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] 
(ForkJoinPool-1-worker-2) [] EVENT_ID: VM_DOWN_ERROR(119), VM instance-00000673 
is down with error. Exit message: Cannot access backing file 
'/var/lib/nova/instances/_base/2f4f8c5fc11bb83bcab03f4c829ddda4da8c0bce' of 
storage file 
 (as uid:107, gid:107): No such file or directory.

Platform details:

Ovirt SHE


GlusterFS, unmanaged by oVirt.

VM is imported & converted from OpenStack, according to log files, successfully 
(one WARN, related to different MAC address):

2018-05-24 12:03:31,028+02 INFO  
 (default task-29) [cc5931a2-1af5-4d65-b0b3-362588db9d3f] FINISH, 
GetVmsNamesFromExternalProviderVDSCommand, return: [VM [instance-0001f94c], VM 
[instance-00078f6a], VM [instance-00000814], VM [instance-0001f9ac], VM 
[instance-000001ff], VM [instance-0001f718], VM [instance-00000673], VM 
[instance-0001ecf2], VM [instance-00078d38]], log id: 7f178a5e

2018-05-24 12:48:33,722+02 INFO  
 (default task-8) [103d56e1-7449-4853-ae50-48ee94d43d77] FINISH, 
GetVmsNamesFromExternalProviderVDSCommand, return: [VM [instance-0001f94c], VM 
[instance-00078f6a], VM [instance-00000814], VM [instance-0001f9ac], VM 
[instance-000001ff], VM [instance-0001f718], VM [instance-00000673], VM 
[instance-0001ecf2], VM [instance-00078d38]], log id: 3aa178c5

2018-05-24 12:48:47,291+02 INFO  
 (default task-17) [4bf555c7-9d64-4ecc-b059-8a60a4b27bdd] START, 
GetVmsFullInfoFromExternalProviderVDSCommand(HostName = aws-ovhv-01, 
username='null', originType='KVM', namesOfVms='[instance-00000673]'}), log id: 

2018-05-24 12:48:47,318+02 INFO  
 (default task-17) [4bf555c7-9d64-4ecc-b059-8a60a4b27bdd] FINISH, 
GetVmsFullInfoFromExternalProviderVDSCommand, return: [VM [instance-00000673]], 
log id: 4c445109

2018-05-24 12:49:20,466+02 INFO  
(default task-41) [14edb003-b4a0-4355-b3de-da2b68774fe3] Lock Acquired to 
object 'EngineLock:{exclusiveLocks='[instance-00000673=VM_NAME, 
1f0b608f-7cfc-4b27-a876-b5d8073011a1=VM]', sharedLocks=''}'

2018-05-24 12:49:20,586+02 WARN  
[14edb003-b4a0-4355-b3de-da2b68774fe3] EVENT_ID: MAC_ADDRESS_IS_EXTERNAL(925), 
VM instance-00000673 has MAC address(es) fa:16:3e:74:18:50, which is/are out of 
its MAC pool definitions.

2018-05-24 12:49:21,021+02 INFO  
[14edb003-b4a0-4355-b3de-da2b68774fe3] EVENT_ID: 
IMPORTEXPORT_STARTING_IMPORT_VM(1,165), Starting to import Vm instance-00000673 
to Data Center AVEUNL, Cluster AWSEUOPS

2018-05-24 12:49:28,816+02 INFO  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-653407) [] Lock freed to object 
1f0b608f-7cfc-4b27-a876-b5d8073011a1=VM]', sharedLocks=''}'

2018-05-24 12:49:28,911+02 INFO  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-commandCoordinator-Thread-2) [2047673e] START, 
ConvertVmVDSCommand(HostName = aws-ovhv-01, 
username='null', vmId='1f0b608f-7cfc-4b27-a876-b5d8073011a1', 
storagePoolId='5a5de92c-0120-0167-03cb-00000000038a', virtioIsoPath='null', 
compatVersion='null', Disk0='816ac00f-ba98-4827-b5c8-42a8ba496089'}), log id: 

2018-05-24 12:49:29,010+02 INFO  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-commandCoordinator-Thread-2) [2047673e] EVENT_ID: 
IMPORTEXPORT_STARTING_CONVERT_VM(1,193), Starting to convert Vm 

2018-05-24 12:52:57,982+02 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.UpdateVmCommand] 
(default task-16) [df1d5f72-eb17-46e4-9946-20ca9809b54c] Failed to Acquire Lock 
to object 'EngineLock:{exclusiveLocks='[instance-00000673=VM_NAME]', 

2018-05-24 12:59:24,575+02 INFO  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-20) [2047673e] EVENT_ID: 
IMPORTEXPORT_IMPORT_VM(1,152), Vm instance-00000673 was imported successfully 
to Data Center AVEUNL, Cluster AWSEUOPS

Than trying to start VM fails with following messages:

2018-05-24 13:00:32,085+02 INFO  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-653729) [] EVENT_ID: 
USER_STARTED_VM(153), VM instance-00000673 was started by admin@internal-authz 
(Host: aws-ovhv-06).

2018-05-24 13:00:33,417+02 INFO  
(ForkJoinPool-1-worker-9) [] VM 
'1f0b608f-7cfc-4b27-a876-b5d8073011a1'(instance-00000673) moved from 
'WaitForLaunch' --> 'Down'

2018-05-24 13:00:33,436+02 ERROR 
(ForkJoinPool-1-worker-9) [] EVENT_ID: VM_DOWN_ERROR(119), VM instance-00000673 
is down with error. Exit message: Cannot access backing file 
'/var/lib/nova/instances/_base/2f4f8c5fc11bb83bcab03f4c829ddda4da8c0bce' of 
storage file 
 (as uid:107, gid:107): No such file or directory.

2018-05-24 13:00:33,437+02 INFO  
(ForkJoinPool-1-worker-9) [] add VM 
'1f0b608f-7cfc-4b27-a876-b5d8073011a1'(instance-00000673) to rerun treatment

2018-05-24 13:00:33,455+02 WARN  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-653732) [] EVENT_ID: 
USER_INITIATED_RUN_VM_FAILED(151), Failed to run VM instance-00000673 on Host 

2018-05-24 13:00:33,460+02 ERROR 
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-653732) [] EVENT_ID: 
USER_FAILED_RUN_VM(54), Failed to run VM instance-00000673  (User: 

Checking on the Gluster volume, directory and files exist, permissions are in 

[root@aws-ovhv-01 816ac00f-ba98-4827-b5c8-42a8ba496089]

-rw-rw----.  1 vdsm kvm  14G May 24 12:59 8ecfcd5b-db67-4c23-9869-0e20d7553aba

-rw-rw----.  1 vdsm kvm 1.0M May 24 12:49

-rw-r--r--.  1 vdsm kvm  310 May 24 12:49 

Than I have checked image info, and noticed that backing file entry is pointing 
to non-existing location, which does and should not exist on oVirt hosts:

[root@aws-ovhv-01 816ac00f-ba98-4827-b5c8-42a8ba496089]# qemu-img info 

image: 8ecfcd5b-db67-4c23-9869-0e20d7553aba

file format: qcow2

virtual size: 160G (171798691840 bytes)

disk size: 14G

cluster_size: 65536

backing file: 

Format specific information:

    compat: 1.1

    lazy refcounts: false

    refcount bits: 16

    corrupt: false

Can somebody advise me how to fix, address this, as I am in need of importing 
200+ VMs from OpenStack to oVirt?

Sure this qcow2 file will not work in oVirt.

I wonder how you did the import?


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