Thanks; I guess I didn't mention that I started there.

The virsh list shows it in state running, and gluster is showing fully
online and healed.  However, I cannot bring up a console of the engine VM
to see why its not booting, even though it shows in running state.

In any case, the hosts and engine were running happily.  I applied the
latest updates on the host, and the engine went unstable.  I thought, Ok,
maybe there's an update to ovirt that also needs to be applied to the
engine, so I ssh'ed in and ran yum update (never did find clear
instructions on how one is supposed to maintain the engine, but I did see
that listed online).  A while later, it reset and never booted again.


On Sun, Sep 2, 2018 at 4:28 PM, Darrell Budic <>

> It’s definitely not starting, you’ll have to see if you can figure out
> why. A couple things to try:
> - Check "virsh list" and see if it’s running, or paused for storage.
> (google "virsh saslpasswd2
> <>”
> if you need to add a user to do this with, it’s per host)
> -  It’s hyper converged, so check your gluster volume for healing and/or
> split brains and wait/resolve those.
> - check “gluster peer status” and on each host and make sure your gluster
> hosts are all talking. I’ve seen an upgrade screwup the firewall, easy fix
> is to add a rule to allow the hosts to talk to each other on your gluster
> network, no questions asked (-j ACCEPT, no port, etc).
> Good luck!
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Jim Kusznir <>
> *Subject:* [ovirt-users] Upgraded host, engine now won't boot
> *Date:* September 1, 2018 at 8:38:12 PM CDT
> *To:* users
> Hello:
> I saw that there were updates to my ovirt-4.2 3 node hyperconverged
> system, so I proceeded to apply them the usual way through the UI.
> At one point, the hosted engine was migrated to one of the upgraded hosts,
> and then went "unstable" on me.  Now, the hosted engine appears to be
> crashed:  It gets powered up, but it never boots up to the point where it
> responds to pings or allows logins.  After a while, the hosted engine shows
> status (via console "hosted-engine --vm-status" command) "Powering Down".
> It stays there for a long time.
> I tried forcing a poweroff then powering it on, but again, it never gets
> up to where it will respond to pings.  --vm-status shows bad health, but up.
> I tried running the hosted-engine --console command, but got:
> [root@ovirt1 ~]# hosted-engine --console
> The engine VM is running on this host
> Connected to domain HostedEngine
> Escape character is ^]
> error: internal error: cannot find character device <null>
> [root@ovirt1 ~]#
> I tried to run the hosted-engine --upgrade-appliance command, but it hangs
> at obtaining certificate (understandably, as the hosted-engine is not up).
> How do i recover from this?  And what caused this?
> --Jim
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