
The user is trying to install OpenShift OKD 3.11 but hit the below error.

TASK [openshift_logging : include_tasks]
task path:
Monday 12 November 2018  13:31:28 +0100 (0:00:00.191)       0:06:06.769
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
    "reason": "Invalid options for include_tasks: component\n\nThe error
appears to have been in
line 135, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the
exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name:
Generate PEM certs\n  ^ here\n"

Can you please check?

Best regards,




Red Hat Israel <https://www.redhat.com/>
TRIED. TESTED. TRUSTED. <https://redhat.com/trusted>

On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 7:58 AM <markus.schauf...@ooe.gv.at> wrote:

> Hi Shirly,
> I already tried that – following error appears:
> TASK [openshift_logging : include_tasks]
> ********************************************************************************************************************************
> task path:
> /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/roles/openshift_logging/tasks/install_logging.yaml:58
> Monday 12 November 2018  13:31:28 +0100 (0:00:00.191)       0:06:06.769
> *******
> fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
>     "reason": "Invalid options for include_tasks: component\n\nThe error
> appears to have been in
> '/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/roles/openshift_logging/tasks/generate_certs.yaml':
> line 135, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the
> exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name:
> Generate PEM certs\n  ^ here\n"
> }
> *Von:* Shirly Radco [mailto:sra...@redhat.com]
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 12. November 2018 16:08
> *An:* Schaufler, Markus <markus.schauf...@ooe.gv.at>
> *Cc:* Marcelo Leandro <marcelol...@gmail.com>; users <users@ovirt.org>
> *Betreff:* Re: [ovirt-users] Re: Metrics Store installation - ansible
> playbook "deploy_cluster" - docker_image_availability
> Hi,
> Are you using the rpm from the nightly builds.
> Please add this line to your inventory file
> openshift_logging_es_nodeselector={'node-role.kubernetes.io/infra':
> 'true'}
> I believe it will solve this error.
> Best,
> --
> Red Hat Israel <https://www.redhat.com/>
> <https://red.ht/sig>
> *TRIED. TESTED. TRUSTED.* <https://redhat.com/trusted>
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 2:01 PM <markus.schauf...@ooe.gv.at> wrote:
> Update:
> My fault – forgot to add proxy/noproxy settings in docker.
> Had to add https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3539621 in inventory file
> because of next problem:
> fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
>     "assertion": "openshift_logging_es_nodeselector is defined",
>     "changed": false,
>     "evaluated_to": false,
>     "msg": "A node selector is required for Elasticsearch pods, please
> specify one with openshift_logging_es_nodeselector"
> Stuck now at:
> fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
>     "reason": "Invalid options for include_tasks: component\n\nThe error
> appears to have been in
> '/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/roles/openshift_logging/tasks/generate_certs.yaml':
> line 135, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the
> exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: 
> *Generate
> PEM certs*\n  ^ here\n"
> }
> *Von:* Shirly Radco [mailto:sra...@redhat.com]
> *Gesendet:* Sonntag, 11. November 2018 09:02
> *An:* Marcelo Leandro <marcelol...@gmail.com>
> *Cc:* Schaufler, Markus <markus.schauf...@ooe.gv.at>; users <
> users@ovirt.org>
> *Betreff:* Re: [ovirt-users] Re: Metrics Store installation - ansible
> playbook "deploy_cluster" - docker_image_availability
> Hi Marcelo,
> I'm sorry you are having issues with the installation, we are working to
> improve that.
> I wanted to update you that I have update the OpenShift version to install
> to 3.11 instead of 3.9,
> so that it will fit to the OpenShift latest version and this should
> simplify the support for the installation by the OpenShift team.
> It is available in the latest oVirt nightly and documentation is up to date
> https://ovirt.org/documentation/metrics-install-guide/metrics-install-guide/
> Also, I want to let you know that in the next release we plan to add
> support for an all-in-one installation that will create the vm/s for you
> and install OpenShift on them.
> This should simplify immensely the process of setting up the oVirt metrics
> store.
> I'll contact the OpenShift team for help about your issue as well, But you
> may want to install version 3.11 instead.
> Please let me know if decide you want to try installing the latest version.
> Best regards,
> --
> Red Hat Israel <https://www.redhat.com/>
> <https://red.ht/sig>
> *TRIED. TESTED. TRUSTED.* <https://redhat.com/trusted>
> On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 7:12 PM Marcelo Leandro <marcelol...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi
> Can someone help me to resolve this issue?
> Marcelo Leandro
> Em qua, 31 de out de 2018 às 09:27, Shirly Radco <sra...@redhat.com>
> escreveu:
> Adding OpenShift mailing list.
> Please help with this OpenShift installation.
> --
> Red Hat Israel <https://www.redhat.com/>
> <https://red.ht/sig>
> *TRIED. TESTED. TRUSTED.* <https://redhat.com/trusted>
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 9:28 PM Marcelo Leandro <marcelol...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello I am with same problem.
> ● origin-master-controllers.service - Atomic OpenShift Master Controllers
>    Loaded: loaded
> (/usr/lib/systemd/system/origin-master-controllers.service; enabled; vendor
> preset: disabled)
>    Active: inactive (dead) (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2018-10-26
> 15:27:19 -03; 1s ago
>      Docs: https://github.com/openshift/origin
>   Process: 26872 ExecStart=/usr/bin/openshift start master controllers
> --config=${CONFIG_FILE} $OPTIONS *(code=exited, status=255)*
>  Main PID: 26872 (code=exited, status=255)
> Oct 26 15:27:14 es.hybriddc.com.br systemd[1]: 
> *origin-master-controllers.service:
> main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a*
> Oct 26 15:27:14 es.hybriddc.com.br systemd[1]: *Failed to start Atomic
> OpenShift Master Controllers.*
> Oct 26 15:27:14 es.hybriddc.com.br systemd[1]: *Unit
> origin-master-controllers.service entered failed state.*
> Oct 26 15:27:14 es.hybriddc.com.br systemd[1]: 
> *origin-master-controllers.service
> failed.*
> Oct 26 15:27:19 es.hybriddc.com.br systemd[1]:
> origin-master-controllers.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.057760   26916 start_api.go:104] Using a listen address
> override ""
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058002   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "NamespaceLifecycle"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058017   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "Initializers"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058028   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "ValidatingAdmissionWebhook"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058040   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "MutatingAdmissionWebhook"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058120   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "AlwaysAdmit"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058131   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "AlwaysPullImages"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058142   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "LimitPodHardAntiAffinityTopology"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058155   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "DefaultTolerationSeconds"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058164   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "AlwaysDeny"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058178   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "EventRateLimit"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058190   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "DenyEscalatingExec"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058199   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "DenyExecOnPrivileged"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058210   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "ExtendedResourceToleration"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058222   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "OwnerReferencesPermissionEnforcement"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058237   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "ImagePolicyWebhook"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058249   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "InitialResources"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058261   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "LimitRanger"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058272   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "NamespaceAutoProvision"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058281   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "NamespaceExists"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058292   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "NodeRestriction"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br systemd[1]: *origin-master-api.service:
> main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a*
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058304   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PersistentVolumeLabel"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058316   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PodNodeSelector"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058327   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PodPreset"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058357   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PodTolerationRestriction"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058384   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "ResourceQuota"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058395   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PodSecurityPolicy"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058406   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "Priority"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058420   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "SecurityContextDeny"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058433   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "ServiceAccount"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058444   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "DefaultStorageClass"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058455   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PersistentVolumeClaimResize"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> I1026 15:27:30.058466   26916 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PVCProtection"
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> W1026 15:27:30.059840   26916 start_master.go:287] Warning:
> aggregatorConfig.proxyClientInfo: Invalid value: "": if no client
> certificate is specified, the aggregator will be unable to proxy to remot
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> Invalid MasterConfig /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br atomic-openshift-master-api[26916]:
> etcdClientInfo.ca: Invalid value: "/etc/origin/master/master.etcd-ca.crt":
> could not read file: stat /etc/origin/master/master.etcd-ca.crt: no such
> file or directory
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br systemd[1]: *Failed to start Atomic
> OpenShift Master API.*
> -- Subject: Unit origin-master-api.service has failed
> -- Defined-By: systemd
> -- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
> --
> -- Unit origin-master-api.service has failed.
> --
> -- The result is failed.
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br systemd[1]: *Unit
> origin-master-api.service entered failed state.*
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br systemd[1]: *origin-master-api.service
> failed.*
> Oct 26 15:27:30 es.hybriddc.com.br systemd[1]:
> origin-master-controllers.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
> Oct 26 15:27:35 es.hybriddc.com.br systemd[1]: origin-master-api.service
> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
> Oct 26 15:27:35 es.hybriddc.com.br systemd[1]: Starting Atomic OpenShift
> Master API...
> -- Subject: Unit origin-master-api.service has begun start-up
> -- Defined-By: systemd
> -- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
> --
> -- Unit origin-master-api.service has begun starting up.
> how can I resolve this?
> Em dom, 21 de out de 2018 às 03:44, Shirly Radco <sra...@redhat.com>
> escreveu:
> Hi Markus,
> Thank you for reporting this issue.
> Can you please open a Bugzilla ticket on ovirt-engine-metrics with the
> details you supplied here so I can better investigate it and communicate on
> it?
> Also, It will help other users if they hit the same issue.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Red Hat Israel <https://www.redhat.com/>
> <https://red.ht/sig>
> *TRIED. TESTED. TRUSTED.* <https://redhat.com/trusted>
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 7:39 PM Markus Schaufler <
> markus.schauf...@ooe.gv.at> wrote:
> Update2:
> manually downloaded docker images and excluded the check
> docker_image_availability.
> ran into the next problem:
> #########################
> <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'rm -f -r
> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1539706227.48-64167276003747/ > /dev/null
> 2>&1 && sleep 0'
> FAILED - RETRYING: Start and enable master controller service (1 retries
> left).Result was: {
>     "attempts": 1,
>     "changed": false,
>     "invocation": {
>         "module_args": {
>             "daemon_reload": false,
>             "enabled": true,
>             "force": null,
>             "masked": null,
>             "name": "origin-master-controllers",
>             "no_block": false,
>             "scope": null,
>             "state": "started",
>             "user": null
>         }
>     },
>     "msg": "Unable to start service origin-master-controllers: Job for
> origin-master-controllers.service failed because the control process exited
> with error code. See \"systemctl status origin-master-controllers.service\"
> and \"journalctl -xe\" for details.\n",
>     "retries": 2
> }
> <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'echo ~root && sleep 0'
> <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c '( umask 77 && mkdir -p "` echo
> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1539706290.33-160209713824798 `" && echo
> ansible-tmp-1539706290.33-160209713824798="` echo
> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1539706290.33-160209713824798 `" ) && sleep
> 0'
> Using module file
> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/modules/system/systemd.py
> <localhost> PUT /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-10051XykBSa/tmp7WK38D TO
> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1539706290.33-160209713824798/AnsiballZ_systemd.py
> <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'chmod u+x
> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1539706290.33-160209713824798/
> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1539706290.33-160209713824798/AnsiballZ_systemd.py
> && sleep 0'
> <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/python
> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1539706290.33-160209713824798/AnsiballZ_systemd.py
> && sleep 0'
> <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'rm -f -r
> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1539706290.33-160209713824798/ > /dev/null
> 2>&1 && sleep 0'
> fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
>     "attempts": 1,
>     "changed": false,
>     "invocation": {
>         "module_args": {
>             "daemon_reload": false,
>             "enabled": true,
>             "force": null,
>             "masked": null,
>             "name": "origin-master-controllers",
>             "no_block": false,
>             "scope": null,
>             "state": "started",
>             "user": null
>         }
>     },
>     "msg": "Unable to start service origin-master-controllers: Job for
> origin-master-controllers.service failed because the control process exited
> with error code. See \"systemctl status origin-master-controllers.service\"
> and \"journalctl -xe\" for details.\n"
> }
> ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
>         to retry, use: --limit
> @/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/deploy_cluster.retry
> ************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> localhost                  : ok=249  changed=69   unreachable=0    failed=1
> ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
> Initialization             : Complete (0:00:21)
> Health Check               : Complete (0:00:16)
> etcd Install               : Complete (0:00:41)
> Master Install             : In Progress (0:07:13)
>         This phase can be restarted by running:
> playbooks/openshift-master/config.yml
> Failure summary:
>   1. Hosts:    localhost
>      Play:     Configure masters
>      Task:     Start and enable master controller service
>      Message:  Unable to start service origin-master-controllers: Job for
> origin-master-controllers.service failed because the control process exited
> with error code. See "systemctl status origin-master-controllers.service"
> and "journalctl -xe" for details.
> ######################################
> /var/log/messages:
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 systemd: Starting Atomic OpenShift Master API...
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.622892   20624 start_api.go:104] Using a listen address override "
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623015   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "NamespaceLifecycle"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623026   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "Initializers"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623031   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "ValidatingAdmissionWebhook"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623036   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "MutatingAdmissionWebhook"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623066   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "AlwaysAdmit"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623070   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "AlwaysPullImages"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623076   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "LimitPodHardAntiAffinityTopology"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623081   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "DefaultTolerationSeconds"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623085   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "AlwaysDeny"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623091   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "EventRateLimit"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623096   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "DenyEscalatingExec"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623099   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "DenyExecOnPrivileged"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623104   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "ExtendedResourceToleration"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623110   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "OwnerReferencesPermissionEnforcement"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623117   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "ImagePolicyWebhook"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623122   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "InitialResources"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623128   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "LimitRanger"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623133   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "NamespaceAutoProvision"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623137   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "NamespaceExists"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623143   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "NodeRestriction"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623148   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PersistentVolumeLabel"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623153   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PodNodeSelector"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623158   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PodPreset"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623163   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PodTolerationRestriction"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623169   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "ResourceQuota"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623174   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PodSecurityPolicy"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623179   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "Priority"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623186   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "SecurityContextDeny"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623192   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "ServiceAccount"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623197   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "DefaultStorageClass"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623203   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PersistentVolumeClaimResize"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: I1016
> 18:20:07.623208   20624 plugins.go:83] Registered admission plugin
> "PVCProtection"
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: W1016
> 18:20:07.624088   20624 start_master.go:287] Warning:
> aggregatorConfig.proxyClientInfo: Invalid value: "": if no client
> certificate is specified, the aggregator will be unable to proxy to remote
> servers, master start will continue.
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: Invalid
> MasterConfig /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 atomic-openshift-master-api: etcdClientInfo.ca:
> Invalid value: "/etc/origin/master/master.etcd-ca.crt": could not read
> file: stat /etc/origin/master/master.etcd-ca.crt: no such file or directory
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 systemd: origin-master-api.service: main
> process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 systemd: Failed to start Atomic OpenShift
> Master API.
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 systemd: Unit origin-master-api.service entered
> failed state.
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 systemd: origin-master-api.service failed.
> Oct 16 18:20:07 lxli03-t29 systemd: origin-master-controllers.service
> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
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