Hello Nathanaël,

On 11/14/18 7:58 PM, Nathanaël Blanchet wrote:
I try to get  a list for all vms :

"vm_name : description : id "

A simple loop works:

   - debug:
        msg: "{{ ovirt_vms | map(attribute='snapshots') | list }}"
      register: snapshotid2
      tags: snapshots2
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ ovirt_vms | map(attribute='name') | list }}"
      register: name2
      tags: snapshots2
    - set_fact:
        toto: "{{ name2.msg[item] }} : {{ snapshotid2.msg[0][0].description }} : {{ snapshotid2.msg[0][0].id }} "
        - 0
        - 1
      register: all_snapshots2
      tags: snapshots2
    - debug:
        var: all_snapshots2
      tags: snapshots2

Now I want insert a second loop with "with_nested" like so:

  - set_fact:
        toto: "{{ name2.msg[item.1] }} : {{ snapshotid2.msg[0].item.0.description }} : {{ snapshotid2.msg[0].item.0.id }} "
        - [ '0', '1']
        - [ '1', '0']

but I always have this error: "The error was: 'list object' has no attribute u'0'"

How can I do such a thing?

if I got it right the loop should look like this:

- set_fact:
        toto: "{{ name2.msg[item.1] }} : {{ snapshotid2.msg[0][item.0].description }} : {{ snapshotid2.msg[0][item.0].id }} "
        - [ 0, 1 ]
        - [ 1, 0 ]

Best regards,


Lucie Leistnerova
Quality Engineer, QE Cloud, RHVM
Red Hat EMEA

IRC: lleistne @ #rhev-qe
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