On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 11:06 PM Vincent Royer <vinc...@epicenergy.ca>

> Greg,
> Can I contribute?

I'm so glad you asked -- YES, please do! :)

The docs, along with the rest of the ovirt.org site, are in GitHub, and
very easily editable. To edit a single page -- in the page footer, click
"Edit this page on GitHub". That will create a simple Pull Request for

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Let me know if you have any questions!

> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 2:05 PM Greg Sheremeta <gsher...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 2:16 PM Vincent Royer <vinc...@epicenergy.ca>
>> wrote:
>>> Greg,
>>> The first thing on the list in your link is to check what repos are
>>> enabled with yum repolist, but makes no mention of what repos *should *be
>>> enabled on node-ng, nor what to do about it if you have the wrong ones.
>>> I've never had an Ovirt update go the way it was "supposed" to go, despite
>>> having a bunch of documentation at hand.  Usually I end up blowing away the
>>> hosts and starting with a fresh ISO.
>>> The page you linked makes no mention of the command Edward mentioned
>>> that got things working for me:
>>> yum update ovirt-node-ng-image-update
>>> All the instructions I can find just say to run yum update, but that
>>> resulted in a bunch of dependency errors for me, on a normal 4.2.6 node
>>> install that I haven't touched since installation.  Why?  If I'm following
>>> the instructions, shouldn't it work?
>>> running this command in the upgrade guide:
>>> [image: image.png]
>>> Gives me "This system is not registered with an entitlement server".
>>>  Is that an outdated instruction?  Does it apply to the particular update
>>> I'm trying to apply?   No way to tell...
>> It only applies to RHEL. If you are not on RHEL, you wouldn't run that.
>> So it definitely needs improvement.
>>> What would really help is a clear separation between commands intended
>>> for centos/RHEL and commands intended for Node.  As an outsider, it's very
>>> difficult to know.   Every chapter, where there is any difference in
>>> procedure, the documents should be split with RHEL on one side and NODE on
>>> the other.
>> +1.
>>> The documentation would also benefit from tags like dates and versions
>>> that they apply to.  "Valid for Ovirt 4.2.6 to 4.2.8 as of Feb 2, 2019".
>>> Then the documents should be tested and the dates/versions adjusted, or the
>>> docs adjusted, as needed.
>> Agree.
>>> Ovirt is awesome.
>> Agree :)
>>> But the docs are the project's worst enemy.
>> I understand your frustrations. We've been trying to improve the
>> documentation lately, and feedback like yours is crucial. So thank you.
>> I opened to https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-site/issues/1906 track this.
>> Best wishes,
>> Greg
>>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 3:34 AM Greg Sheremeta <gsher...@redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 11:18 PM Vincent Royer <vinc...@epicenergy.ca>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> wow am I crazy or is that not mentioned anywhere that I can find in
>>>>> the docs?
>>>> https://ovirt.org/documentation/upgrade-guide/appe-Manually_Updating_Hosts.html
>>>> Does that make sense, or do you think it needs enhancement? If it needs
>>>> enhancement, please open a documentation bug:
>>>> https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-site/issues/new
>>>>> some combinations of commands and reboots finally got the update to
>>>>> take.
>>>>> Any idea about the messages about not being registered to an
>>>>> entitlement server?  whats that all about??
>>>> If you're on CentOS, it's a harmless side effect of cockpit being
>>>> installed.
>>>> # cat  /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf
>>>> [main]
>>>> enabled=1
>>>> # change to 0 if you prefer
>>>>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 7:30 PM Edward Berger <edwber...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> If its a node-ng install, you should just update the whole image with
>>>>>> yum update ovirt-node-ng-image-update
>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 8:12 PM Vincent Royer <vinc...@epicenergy.ca>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Sorry, this is a node install w/ he.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2019, 4:44 PM Vincent Royer <vinc...@epicenergy.ca
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> trying to update from 4.2.6 to 4.2.8
>>>>>>>> yum update fails with:
>>>>>>>> --> Finished Dependency Resolution
>>>>>>>> Error: Package: vdsm-4.20.46-1.el7.x86_64 (ovirt-4.2)
>>>>>>>>            Requires: libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 4.5.0-10.el7_6.3
>>>>>>>>            Installed: libvirt-daemon-kvm-3.9.0-14.el7_5.8.x86_64
>>>>>>>> (installed)
>>>>>>>>                libvirt-daemon-kvm = 3.9.0-14.el7_5.8
>>>>>>>> Error: Package: 10:qemu-kvm-ev-2.12.0-18.el7_6.3.1.x86_64
>>>>>>>> (ovirt-4.2-centos-qemu-ev)
>>>>>>>>            Requires: libepoxy.so.0()(64bit)
>>>>>>>> Error: Package: 10:qemu-kvm-ev-2.12.0-18.el7_6.3.1.x86_64
>>>>>>>> (ovirt-4.2-centos-qemu-ev)
>>>>>>>>            Requires: libibumad.so.3()(64bit)
>>>>>>>> Error: Package: 10:qemu-kvm-ev-2.12.0-18.el7_6.3.1.x86_64
>>>>>>>> (ovirt-4.2-centos-qemu-ev)
>>>>>>>>            Requires: libgbm.so.1()(64bit)
>>>>>>>>  You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
>>>>>>>>  You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
>>>>>>>> Uploading Enabled Repositories Report
>>>>>>>> 2019-02-13 16:42:14,190 [INFO] yum:17779:Dummy-18
>>>>>>>> @connection.py:868 - Connection built: host=
>>>>>>>> subscription.rhsm.redhat.com port=443 handler=/subscription
>>>>>>>> auth=identity_cert ca_dir=/etc/rhsm/ca/ insecure=False
>>>>>>>> Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, product-id, subscription-manager
>>>>>>>> 2019-02-13 16:42:14,199 [WARNING] yum:17779:Dummy-18
>>>>>>>> @logutil.py:141 - logging already initialized
>>>>>>>> 2019-02-13 16:42:14,200 [ERROR] yum:17779:Dummy-18 @identity.py:145
>>>>>>>> - Reload of consumer identity cert /etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem raised an
>>>>>>>> exception with msg: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
>>>>>>>> '/etc/pki/consumer/key.pem'
>>>>>>>> 2019-02-13 16:42:14,200 [INFO] yum:17779:Dummy-18
>>>>>>>> @connection.py:868 - Connection built: host=
>>>>>>>> subscription.rhsm.redhat.com port=443 handler=/subscription
>>>>>>>> auth=identity_cert ca_dir=/etc/rhsm/ca/ insecure=False
>>>>>>>> 2019-02-13 16:42:14,201 [INFO] yum:17779:Dummy-18 @repolib.py:471 -
>>>>>>>> repos updated: Repo updates
>>>>>>>> Total repo updates: 0
>>>>>>>> Updated
>>>>>>>>     <NONE>
>>>>>>>> Added (new)
>>>>>>>>     <NONE>
>>>>>>>> Deleted
>>>>>>>>     <NONE>
>>>>>>>> This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can
>>>>>>>> use subscription-manager to register.
>>>>>>>> Cannot upload enabled repos report, is this client registered?
>>>>>>>> [root@brian yum.repos.d]# yum repolist
>>>>>>>> Loaded plugins: enabled_repos_upload, fastestmirror,
>>>>>>>> imgbased-persist, package_upload, product-id, search-disabled-repos,
>>>>>>>> subscription-manager, vdsmupgrade
>>>>>>>> 2019-02-13 16:42:36,489 [ERROR] yum:17809:MainThread
>>>>>>>> @identity.py:145 - Reload of consumer identity cert
>>>>>>>> /etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem raised an exception with msg: [Errno 2] No 
>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>> file or directory: '/etc/pki/consumer/key.pem'
>>>>>>>> 2019-02-13 16:42:36,490 [INFO] yum:17809:MainThread
>>>>>>>> @connection.py:868 - Connection built: host=
>>>>>>>> subscription.rhsm.redhat.com port=443 handler=/subscription
>>>>>>>> auth=identity_cert ca_dir=/etc/rhsm/ca/ insecure=False
>>>>>>>> 2019-02-13 16:42:36,491 [INFO] yum:17809:MainThread @repolib.py:471
>>>>>>>> - repos updated: Repo updates
>>>>>>>> Total repo updates: 0
>>>>>>>> Updated
>>>>>>>>     <NONE>
>>>>>>>> Added (new)
>>>>>>>>     <NONE>
>>>>>>>> Deleted
>>>>>>>>     <NONE>
>>>>>>>> This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can
>>>>>>>> use subscription-manager to register.
>>>>>>>> Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
>>>>>>>>  * ovirt-4.2: mirrors.rit.edu
>>>>>>>>  * ovirt-4.2-epel: mirror.sjc02.svwh.net
>>>>>>>> repo id
>>>>>>>>         repo name
>>>>>>>>                                               status
>>>>>>>> centos-sclo-rh-release/x86_64
>>>>>>>>         CentOS-7 - SCLo rh
>>>>>>>>                                               8,113
>>>>>>>> ovirt-4.2/7
>>>>>>>>         Latest oVirt 4.2 Release
>>>>>>>>                                               2,558
>>>>>>>> ovirt-4.2-centos-gluster312/x86_64
>>>>>>>>        CentOS-7 - Gluster 3.12
>>>>>>>>                                                262
>>>>>>>> ovirt-4.2-centos-opstools/x86_64
>>>>>>>>        CentOS-7 - OpsTools - release
>>>>>>>>                                                853
>>>>>>>> ovirt-4.2-centos-ovirt42/x86_64
>>>>>>>>         CentOS-7 - oVirt 4.2
>>>>>>>>                                                 631
>>>>>>>> ovirt-4.2-centos-qemu-ev/x86_64
>>>>>>>>         CentOS-7 - QEMU EV
>>>>>>>>                                                  71
>>>>>>>> ovirt-4.2-epel/x86_64
>>>>>>>>         Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64
>>>>>>>> *Help!*
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>>>> --
>>>> Red Hat NA
>>>> <https://www.redhat.com/>
>>>> gsher...@redhat.com    IRC: gshereme
>>>> <https://red.ht/sig>
>> --
>> Red Hat NA
>> <https://www.redhat.com/>
>> gsher...@redhat.com    IRC: gshereme
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Red Hat NA


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