On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 11:18 AM Callum Smith <cal...@well.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

> No, the NFS is full of artefacts - should i be rm -rf the whole thing
> every time?

Yes, right.

> Regards,
> Callum
> --
> Callum Smith
> Research Computing Core
> Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
> University of Oxford
> e. cal...@well.ox.ac.uk
> On 2 Apr 2019, at 10:09, Simone Tiraboschi <stira...@redhat.com> wrote:
> TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Activate storage domain]
> ******************************************
> ...
> Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is "[]". HTTP
> response code is 400.
> usually means that the engine failed to activate that storage domain;
> unfortunately engine error messages are not always that clear (see
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1554922
> <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1554922> ) but this is often
> due to fact the the NFS share or the iSCSI lun or whatever you used wasn't
> really clean.
> Are you manually cleaning it between one attempt and the next one?
> On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 10:50 AM Callum Smith <cal...@well.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Dear Simone,
>> With no changes, we're now seeing this baffling error:
>> TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Parse OVF]
>> ********************************************************
>> task path:
>> /etc/ansible/playbook/ovirt-ansible-hosted-engine-setup/tasks/create_storage_domain.yml:120
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: root
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto
>> -o ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o
>> PreferredAuthentications=
>> gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o
>> PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>> ControlPath=/etc/ansible/.ansible/cp/2c1e73
>> 363c virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk '/bin/sh -c '"'"'echo ~root &&
>> sleep 0'"'"''
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> (0, '/root\n', '')
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: root
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto
>> -o ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o
>> PreferredAuthentications=
>> gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o
>> PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>> ControlPath=/etc/ansible/.ansible/cp/2c1e73
>> 363c virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk '/bin/sh -c '"'"'( umask 77 &&
>> mkdir -p "` echo
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937522.31-129798476242320 `" && echo a
>> nsible-tmp-1553937522.31-129798476242320="` echo
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937522.31-129798476242320 `" ) && sleep
>> 0'"'"''
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> (0,
>> 'ansible-tmp-1553937522.31-129798476242320=/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937522.31-129798476242320\n',
>> '')
>> Using module file /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/modules/files/xml.py
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> PUT
>> /etc/ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-32213KmUe6/tmp8wMU8o TO
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937522.31-12979847624
>> 2320/AnsiballZ_xml.py
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> SSH: EXEC sftp -b - -C -o
>> ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no
>> -o PreferredAuthentica
>> tions=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o
>> PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>> ControlPath=/etc/ansible/.ansible/cp/
>> 2c1e73363c '[virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk]'
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> (0, 'sftp> put
>> /etc/ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-32213KmUe6/tmp8wMU8o
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937522.31-129
>> 798476242320/AnsiballZ_xml.py\n', '')
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: root
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto
>> -o ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o
>> PreferredAuthentications=
>> gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o
>> PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>> ControlPath=/etc/ansible/.ansible/cp/2c1e73
>> 363c virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk '/bin/sh -c '"'"'chmod u+x
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937522.31-129798476242320/
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1
>> 553937522.31-129798476242320/AnsiballZ_xml.py && sleep 0'"'"''
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> (0, '', '')
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: root
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto
>> -o ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o
>> PreferredAuthentications=
>> gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o
>> PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>> ControlPath=/etc/ansible/.ansible/cp/2c1e73
>> 363c -tt virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk '/bin/sh -c
>> '"'"'/usr/bin/python
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937522.31-129798476242320/AnsiballZ_xml.py
>> && sle
>> ep 0'"'"''
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> (0, '\r\n{"count": 1, "matches":
>> [{"Disk": {"{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}wipe-after-delete":
>> "false", "{http://
>> schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}format": "
>> http://www.vmware.com/specifications/vmdk.html#sparse";, "{
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}vm_snapshot_id":
>> "5f2be758-82d7-4c07-a220-9060e782dc7a", "{
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}parentRef": "", "{
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}fileRef": "6f76686
>> b-199c-4cb3-bbbe-86fc34365745/72bc3948-5d8d-4877-bac8-7db4995045b5", "{
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}actual_size": "51", "{
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/o
>> vf/envelope/1/}volume-format": "COW", "{
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}boot": "true", "{
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}size": "51", "{http:/
>> /schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}volume-type": "Sparse", "{
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}disk-type": "System", "{
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelo
>> pe/1/}diskId": "72bc3948-5d8d-4877-bac8-7db4995045b5", "{
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}disk-interface": "VirtIO"}}],
>> "changed": false, "actions": {"
>> xpath": "/ovf:Envelope/Section/Disk", "state": "present", "namespaces":
>> {"vssd": "
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingDa
>> ta", "rasd": "
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData";,
>> "xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";, "ovf": "
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/"}}, "msg": 1, "invocation":
>> {"module_args": {"xpath": "/ovf:Envelope/Section/Disk", "count": false,
>> "set_children": null, "xmlstring": null, "strip_cdata_tags": false,
>> "attribute": "ovf:size", "pretty_print": false, "add_children": null,
>> "value": null, "content": "attribute", "state": "present", "namespaces":
>> {"vssd": "
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData";,
>> "rasd": "
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData";,
>> "xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";, "ovf": "
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/"}, "input_type": "yaml",
>> "print_match": false, "path":
>> "/var/tmp/localvmMNxnwL/master/vms/074a62d4-44f9-4ffe-a172-2702a9fe96df/074a62d4-44f9-4ffe-a172-2702a9fe96df.ovf",
>> "backup": false}}}\r\n', 'Shared connection to
>> virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk closed.\r\n')
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: root
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto
>> -o ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o
>> PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey
>> -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>> ControlPath=/etc/ansible/.ansible/cp/2c1e73363c
>> virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk '/bin/sh -c '"'"'rm -f -r
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937522.31-129798476242320/ > /dev/null
>> 2>&1 && sleep 0'"'"''
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> (0, '', '')
>> ok: [virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk] => {
>>     "actions": {
>>         "namespaces": {
>>             "ovf": "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/";,
>>             "rasd": "
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData
>> ",
>>             "vssd": "
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData
>> ",
>>             "xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>>         },
>>         "state": "present",
>>         "xpath": "/ovf:Envelope/Section/Disk"
>>     },
>>     "changed": false,
>>     "count": 1,
>>     "invocation": {
>>         "module_args": {
>>             "add_children": null,
>>             "attribute": "ovf:size",
>>             "backup": false,
>>             "content": "attribute",
>>             "count": false,
>>             "input_type": "yaml",
>>             "namespaces": {
>>                 "ovf": "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/";,
>>                 "rasd": "
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData
>> ",
>>                 "vssd": "
>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData
>> ",
>>                 "xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>>             },
>>             "path":
>> "/var/tmp/localvmMNxnwL/master/vms/074a62d4-44f9-4ffe-a172-2702a9fe96df/074a62d4-44f9-4ffe-a172-2702a9fe96df.ovf",
>>             "pretty_print": false,
>>             "print_match": false,
>>             "set_children": null,
>>             "state": "present",
>>             "strip_cdata_tags": false,
>>             "value": null,
>>             "xmlstring": null,
>>             "xpath": "/ovf:Envelope/Section/Disk"
>>         }
>>     },
>>     "matches": [
>>         {
>>             "Disk": {
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}actual_size":
>> "51",
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}boot": "true",
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}disk-interface":
>> "VirtIO",
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}disk-type":
>> "System",
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}diskId":
>> "72bc3948-5d8d-4877-bac8-7db4995045b5",
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}fileRef":
>> "6f76686b-199c-4cb3-bbbe-86fc34365745/72bc3948-5d8d-4877-bac8-7db4995045b5",
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}format": "
>> http://www.vmware.com/specifications/vmdk.html#sparse";,
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}parentRef": "",
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}size": "51",
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}vm_snapshot_id":
>> "5f2be758-82d7-4c07-a220-9060e782dc7a",
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}volume-format":
>> "COW",
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}volume-type":
>> "Sparse",
>>                 "{http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/}wipe-after-delete":
>> "false"
>>             }
>>         }
>>     ],
>>     "msg": 1
>> }
>> TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Get required size]
>> ************************************************
>> task path:
>> /etc/ansible/playbook/ovirt-ansible-hosted-engine-setup/tasks/create_storage_domain.yml:132
>> ok: [virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk] => {
>>     "ansible_facts": {
>>         "required_size": "65498251264"
>>     },
>>     "changed": false
>> }
>> TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : debug]
>> ************************************************************
>> task path:
>> /etc/ansible/playbook/ovirt-ansible-hosted-engine-setup/tasks/create_storage_domain.yml:139
>> ok: [virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk] => {
>>     "required_size": "65498251264"
>> }
>> TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Remove unsuitable storage domain]
>> *********************************
>> task path:
>> /etc/ansible/playbook/ovirt-ansible-hosted-engine-setup/tasks/create_storage_domain.yml:140
>> skipping: [virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk] => {
>>     "changed": false,
>>     "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"
>> }
>> TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : debug]
>> ************************************************************
>> task path:
>> /etc/ansible/playbook/ovirt-ansible-hosted-engine-setup/tasks/create_storage_domain.yml:151
>> ok: [virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk] => {
>>     "remove_storage_domain_details": {
>>         "changed": false,
>>         "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False",
>>         "skipped": true
>>     }
>> }
>> TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Check storage domain free space]
>> **********************************
>> task path:
>> /etc/ansible/playbook/ovirt-ansible-hosted-engine-setup/tasks/create_storage_domain.yml:152
>> skipping: [virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk] => {
>>     "changed": false,
>>     "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"
>> }
>> TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Activate storage domain]
>> ******************************************
>> task path:
>> /etc/ansible/playbook/ovirt-ansible-hosted-engine-setup/tasks/create_storage_domain.yml:161
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: root
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto
>> -o ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o
>> PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey
>> -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>> ControlPath=/etc/ansible/.ansible/cp/2c1e73363c
>> virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk '/bin/sh -c '"'"'echo ~root && sleep
>> 0'"'"''
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> (0, '/root\n', '')
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: root
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto
>> -o ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o
>> PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey
>> -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>> ControlPath=/etc/ansible/.ansible/cp/2c1e73363c
>> virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk '/bin/sh -c '"'"'( umask 77 && mkdir -p
>> "` echo /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937525.89-247224387363848 `" &&
>> echo ansible-tmp-1553937525.89-247224387363848="` echo
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937525.89-247224387363848 `" ) && sleep
>> 0'"'"''
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> (0,
>> 'ansible-tmp-1553937525.89-247224387363848=/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937525.89-247224387363848\n',
>> '')
>> Using module file
>> /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/ovirt/ovirt_storage_domain.py
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> PUT
>> /etc/ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-32213KmUe6/tmpQtVJtM TO
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937525.89-247224387363848/AnsiballZ_ovirt_storage_domain.py
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> SSH: EXEC sftp -b - -C -o
>> ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no
>> -o
>> PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey
>> -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>> ControlPath=/etc/ansible/.ansible/cp/2c1e73363c '[
>> virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk]'
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> (0, 'sftp> put
>> /etc/ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-32213KmUe6/tmpQtVJtM
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937525.89-247224387363848/AnsiballZ_ovirt_storage_domain.py\n',
>> '')
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: root
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto
>> -o ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o
>> PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey
>> -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>> ControlPath=/etc/ansible/.ansible/cp/2c1e73363c
>> virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk '/bin/sh -c '"'"'chmod u+x
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937525.89-247224387363848/
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937525.89-247224387363848/AnsiballZ_ovirt_storage_domain.py
>> && sleep 0'"'"''
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> (0, '', '')
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: root
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto
>> -o ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o
>> PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey
>> -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>> ControlPath=/etc/ansible/.ansible/cp/2c1e73363c -tt
>> virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk '/bin/sh -c '"'"'/usr/bin/python
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937525.89-247224387363848/AnsiballZ_ovirt_storage_domain.py
>> && sleep 0'"'"''
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> (1, '\r\n{"msg": "Fault reason is
>> \\"Operation Failed\\". Fault detail is \\"[]\\". HTTP response code is
>> 400.", "failed": true, "exception": "Traceback (most recent call last):\\n
>>  File \\"/tmp/ansible_ovirt_storage_domain_payload_w8oO0Y/__main__.py\\",
>> line 664, in main\\n    storage_domains_module.post_create_check(sd_id)\\n
>>  File \\"/tmp/ansible_ovirt_storage_domain_payload_w8oO0Y/__main__.py\\",
>> line 526, in post_create_check\\n    id=storage_domain.id,\\n  File
>> \\"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/services.py\\", line 3053,
>> in add\\n    return self._internal_add(storage_domain, headers, query,
>> wait)\\n  File
>> \\"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/service.py\\", line 232, in
>> _internal_add\\n    return future.wait() if wait else future\\n  File
>> \\"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/service.py\\", line 55, in
>> wait\\n    return self._code(response)\\n  File
>> \\"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/service.py\\", line 229, in
>> callback\\n    self._check_fault(response)\\n  File
>> \\"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/service.py\\", line 132, in
>> _check_fault\\n    self._raise_error(response, body)\\n  File
>> \\"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/service.py\\", line 118, in
>> _raise_error\\n    raise error\\nError: Fault reason is \\"Operation
>> Failed\\". Fault detail is \\"[]\\". HTTP response code is 400.\\n",
>> "invocation": {"module_args": {"comment": null, "warning_low_space": null,
>> "fetch_nested": false, "localfs": null, "data_center": "Default", "id":
>> null, "iscsi": null, "state": "present", "wipe_after_delete": null,
>> "destroy": null, "fcp": null, "description": null, "format": null,
>> "nested_attributes": [], "host": "virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk",
>> "discard_after_delete": null, "wait": true, "domain_function": "data",
>> "name": "hosted_storage", "critical_space_action_blocker": null, "posixfs":
>> null, "poll_interval": 3, "glusterfs": null, "nfs": null, "timeout": 180,
>> "backup": null}}}\r\n', 'Shared connection to
>> virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk closed.\r\n')
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> Failed to connect to the host via ssh:
>> Shared connection to virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk closed.
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: root
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto
>> -o ControlPersist=60s -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o
>> PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey
>> -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=root -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o
>> ControlPath=/etc/ansible/.ansible/cp/2c1e73363c
>> virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk '/bin/sh -c '"'"'rm -f -r
>> /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1553937525.89-247224387363848/ > /dev/null
>> 2>&1 && sleep 0'"'"''
>> <virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk> (0, '', '')
>> The full traceback is:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/tmp/ansible_ovirt_storage_domain_payload_w8oO0Y/__main__.py",
>> line 664, in main
>>     storage_domains_module.post_create_check(sd_id)
>>   File "/tmp/ansible_ovirt_storage_domain_payload_w8oO0Y/__main__.py",
>> line 526, in post_create_check
>>     id=storage_domain.id,
>>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/services.py", line
>> 3053, in add
>>     return self._internal_add(storage_domain, headers, query, wait)
>>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/service.py", line
>> 232, in _internal_add
>>     return future.wait() if wait else future
>>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/service.py", line
>> 55, in wait
>>     return self._code(response)
>>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/service.py", line
>> 229, in callback
>>     self._check_fault(response)
>>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/service.py", line
>> 132, in _check_fault
>>     self._raise_error(response, body)
>>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/service.py", line
>> 118, in _raise_error
>>     raise error
>> Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is "[]". HTTP
>> response code is 400.
>> fatal: [virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk]: FAILED! => {
>>     "changed": false,
>>     "invocation": {
>>         "module_args": {
>>             "backup": null,
>>             "comment": null,
>>             "critical_space_action_blocker": null,
>>             "data_center": "Default",
>>             "description": null,
>>             "destroy": null,
>>             "discard_after_delete": null,
>>             "domain_function": "data",
>>             "fcp": null,
>>             "fetch_nested": false,
>>             "format": null,
>>             "glusterfs": null,
>>             "host": "virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk",
>>             "id": null,
>>             "iscsi": null,
>>             "localfs": null,
>>             "name": "hosted_storage",
>>             "nested_attributes": [],
>>             "nfs": null,
>>             "poll_interval": 3,
>>             "posixfs": null,
>>             "state": "present",
>>             "timeout": 180,
>>             "wait": true,
>>             "warning_low_space": null,
>>             "wipe_after_delete": null
>>         }
>>     },
>>     "msg": "Fault reason is \"Operation Failed\". Fault detail is \"[]\".
>> HTTP response code is 400."
>> }
>>         to retry, use: --limit @/etc/ansible/playbook/ovirt.retry
>> ******************************************************************************************
>> virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk : ok=216  changed=69   unreachable=0
>>  failed=1
>> Regards,
>> Callum
>> --
>> Callum Smith
>> Research Computing Core
>> Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>> University of Oxford
>> e. cal...@well.ox.ac.uk
>> On 29 Mar 2019, at 17:48, Simone Tiraboschi <stira...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 6:14 PM Callum Smith <cal...@well.ox.ac.uk>
>> wrote:
>>> So close now:
>>> fatal: [virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk]: FAILED! => {"changed": true,
>>> "cmd": ["dd", "bs=20480", "count=1", "oflag=direct",
>>> "if=/var/tmp/localvmDBMVgn/e208e0f9-0f4d-4d0d-9104-10d8a26bfab6",
>>> "of=/rhev/data-center/mnt/"],
>>> "delta": "0:00:00.005134", "end": "2019-03-29 17:04:27.952367", "msg":
>>> "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2019-03-29 17:04:27.947233",
>>> "stderr": "dd: failed to open 
>>> ‘/rhev/data-center/mnt/’:
>>> Permission denied", "stderr_lines": ["dd: failed to open
>>> ‘/rhev/data-center/mnt/’:
>>> Permission denied"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
>>> to retry, use: --limit @/etc/ansible/playbook/ovirt.retry
>>> ls -laZ /rhev/data-center/mnt/
>>> _export_virtman_hosted__storage/b4f93b28-1497-44b0-9eaf-5e5e2b71bce8/images/645c4286-71e4-4cce-9049-345903929e1b/e208e0f9-0f4d-4d0d-9104-10d8a26bfab6
>>> -rw-rw----. vdsm kvm system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0
>>> /rhev/data-center/mnt/
>>> _export_virtman_hosted__storage/b4f93b28-1497-44b0-9eaf-5e5e2b71bce8/images/645c4286-71e4-4cce-9049-345903929e1b/e208e0f9-0f4d-4d0d-9104-10d8a26bfab6
>>> Any ideas on this one? I can almost touch this deployment now... Looking
>>> at the command it should run as `vdsm` so should work fine, could this be
>>> SELinux?
>> Yes, it should be executed as vdsm user:
>> https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-ansible-hosted-engine-setup/blob/master/tasks/create_target_vm/03_hosted_engine_final_tasks.yml#L156
>> Did you tried executing it with -vvv ?
>> Can you please share the playbook you are using to trigger that role?
>>> Regards,
>>> Callum
>>> --
>>> Callum Smith
>>> Research Computing Core
>>> Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>>> University of Oxford
>>> e. cal...@well.ox.ac.uk
>>> On 29 Mar 2019, at 15:50, Callum Smith <cal...@well.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> Guilty, will roll back and try again!
>>> Regards,
>>> Callum
>>> --
>>> Callum Smith
>>> Research Computing Core
>>> Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>>> University of Oxford
>>> e. cal...@well.ox.ac.uk
>>> On 29 Mar 2019, at 15:35, Simone Tiraboschi <stira...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> The error comes from here:
>>> TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Parse OVF]
>>> ***************************************************************************************************************************************
>>> fatal: [virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk]: FAILED! => {"changed": false,
>>> "msg": "missing parameter(s) required by 'attribute': value"}
>>> but are you really using it with ansible 2.8 alpha 1?
>>> I'd strongly suggest to switch back to a stable release of ansible which
>>> is currently 2.7.9.
>>> That one was due to: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/53459
>>> In the next ansible build it will be just a warning as for:
>>> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/54336
>>> https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-ansible-hosted-engine-setup/pull/150/files
>>>  already address this on ovirt-ansible-hosted-engine-setup to be
>>> compatible with future ansible releases.
>>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 3:53 PM Callum Smith <cal...@well.ox.ac.uk>
>>> wrote:
>>>> The OVF in question is here:
>>>> <ovf:Envelope ovf:version="0.9" xmlns:ovf="
>>>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1/"; xmlns:rasd="
>>>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData";
>>>> xmlns:vssd="
>>>> http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData";
>>>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";><References><File
>>>> ovf:description="074a62d4-44f9-4ffe-a172-2702a9fe96df"
>>>> ovf:href="6f76686b-199c-4cb3-bbbe-86fc34365745/72bc3948-5d8d-4877-bac8-7db4995045b5"
>>>> ovf:id="72bc3948-5d8d-4877-bac8-7db4995045b5" ovf:size="54760833024"
>>>> /></References><Section xsi:type="ovf:NetworkSection_Type"><Info>List of
>>>> Networks</Info></Section><Section xsi:type="ovf:DiskSection_Type"><Disk
>>>> ovf:actual_size="51" ovf:boot="true" ovf:disk-interface="VirtIO"
>>>> ovf:disk-type="System" ovf:diskId="72bc3948-5d8d-4877-bac8-7db4995045b5"
>>>> ovf:fileRef="6f76686b-199c-4cb3-bbbe-86fc34365745/72bc3948-5d8d-4877-bac8-7db4995045b5"
>>>> ovf:format="http://www.vmware.com/specifications/vmdk.html#sparse";
>>>> ovf:parentRef="" ovf:size="51"
>>>> ovf:vm_snapshot_id="5f2be758-82d7-4c07-a220-9060e782dc7a"
>>>> ovf:volume-format="COW" ovf:volume-type="Sparse"
>>>> ovf:wipe-after-delete="false" /></Section><Content ovf:id="out"
>>>> xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type"><Name>074a62d4-44f9-4ffe-a172-2702a9fe96df</Name><TemplateId>074a62d4-44f9-4ffe-a172-2702a9fe96df</TemplateId><Description>Created
>>>> by OVABuilder</Description><Domain /><CreationDate>2019/03/19
>>>> 08:35:09</CreationDate><TimeZone
>>>> /><IsAutoSuspend>false</IsAutoSuspend><VmType>1</VmType><default_display_type>0</default_display_type><default_boot_sequence>1</default_boot_sequence><Section
>>>> ovf:id="074a62d4-44f9-4ffe-a172-2702a9fe96df" ovf:required="false"
>>>> xsi:type="ovf:OperatingSystemSection_Type"><Info>Guest
>>>> OS</Info><Description>OtherLinux</Description></Section><Section
>>>> xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"><Info>4 CPU, 16384
>>>> Memory</Info><System><vssd:VirtualSystemType>RHEVM
>>>></vssd:VirtualSystemType></System><Item><rasd:Caption>4 virtual
>>>> CPU</rasd:Caption><rasd:Description>Number of virtual
>>>> CPU</rasd:Description><rasd:InstanceId>1</rasd:InstanceId><rasd:ResourceType>3</rasd:ResourceType><rasd:num_of_sockets>1</rasd:num_of_sockets><rasd:cpu_per_socket>4</rasd:cpu_per_socket></Item><Item><rasd:Caption>16384
>>>> MB of memory</rasd:Caption><rasd:Description>Memory
>>>> Size</rasd:Description><rasd:InstanceId>2</rasd:InstanceId><rasd:ResourceType>4</rasd:ResourceType><rasd:AllocationUnits>MegaBytes</rasd:AllocationUnits><rasd:VirtualQuantity>16384</rasd:VirtualQuantity></Item><Item><rasd:Caption>Drive
>>>> 1</rasd:Caption><rasd:InstanceId>72bc3948-5d8d-4877-bac8-7db4995045b5</rasd:InstanceId><rasd:ResourceType>17</rasd:ResourceType><rasd:HostResource>6f76686b-199c-4cb3-bbbe-86fc34365745/72bc3948-5d8d-4877-bac8-7db4995045b5</rasd:HostResource><rasd:Parent>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</rasd:Parent><rasd:Template>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</rasd:Template><rasd:ApplicationList
>>>> /><rasd:StorageId>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</rasd:StorageId><rasd:StoragePoolId>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</rasd:StoragePoolId><rasd:CreationDate>2019/03/19
>>>> 08:35:09</rasd:CreationDate><rasd:LastModified>2019/03/19
>>>> 08:35:09</rasd:LastModified></Item><Item><rasd:Caption>Ethernet 0
>>>> rhevm</rasd:Caption><rasd:InstanceId>3</rasd:InstanceId><rasd:ResourceType>10</rasd:ResourceType><rasd:ResourceSubType>3</rasd:ResourceSubType><rasd:Connection>rhevm</rasd:Connection><rasd:Name>eth0</rasd:Name><rasd:speed>1000</rasd:speed></Item><Item><rasd:Caption>Graphics</rasd:Caption><rasd:InstanceId>5</rasd:InstanceId><rasd:ResourceType>20</rasd:ResourceType><rasd:VirtualQuantity>1</rasd:VirtualQuantity></Item></Section></Content></ovf:Envelope>
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Callum
>>>> --
>>>> Callum Smith
>>>> Research Computing Core
>>>> Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>>>> University of Oxford
>>>> e. cal...@well.ox.ac.uk
>>>> On 29 Mar 2019, at 14:42, Callum Smith <cal...@well.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>> Ok so we're getting very close now, weird OVF error:
>>>> Full ansible log attached
>>>> Only error in the engine.log looks normal/expected to me:
>>>> 2019-03-29 14:32:44,370Z ERROR
>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.pm.FenceProxyLocator]
>>>> (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-71) [4405d6db] Can not run
>>>> fence action on host 'vir
>>>> thyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk', no suitable proxy host was found.
>>>> <ovirt.20190329133000.ansible.log>
>>>> Feeling damn close to success here, but have managed to replicate this
>>>> issue twice re-running the installer.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Callum
>>>> --
>>>> Callum Smith
>>>> Research Computing Core
>>>> Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>>>> University of Oxford
>>>> e. cal...@well.ox.ac.uk
>>>> On 29 Mar 2019, at 11:50, Simone Tiraboschi <stira...@redhat.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 12:36 PM Callum Smith <cal...@well.ox.ac.uk>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> ip link del ovirtmgmt has done the job....
>>>>> Another issue, but this is likely due to randomised MAC addresses:
>>>>> fatal: [virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk]: FAILED! => {"changed":
>>>>> true, "cmd": ["virt-install", "-n", "HostedEngineLocal", "--os-variant",
>>>>> "rhel7", "--virt-type", "kvm", "--memory", "4096", "--vcpus", "64",
>>>>> "--network", "network=default,mac=fe:58:6c:da:1e:cc,model=virtio",
>>>>> "--disk",
>>>>> "/var/tmp/localvmOCYiyF/images/6f76686b-199c-4cb3-bbbe-86fc34365745/72bc3948-5d8d-4877-bac8-7db4995045b5",
>>>>> "--import", "--disk", "path=/var/tmp/localvmOCYiyF/seed.iso,device=cdrom",
>>>>> "--noautoconsole", "--rng", "/dev/random", "--graphics", "vnc", "--video",
>>>>> "vga", "--sound", "none", "--controller", "usb,model=none", 
>>>>> "--memballoon",
>>>>> "none", "--boot", "hd,menu=off", "--clock", "kvmclock_present=yes"],
>>>>> "delta": "0:00:01.355834", "end": "2019-03-29 11:31:02.100143", "msg":
>>>>> "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2019-03-29 11:31:00.744309",
>>>>> "stderr": "ERROR    unsupported configuration: Unable to use MAC address
>>>>> starting with reserved value 0xFE - 'fe:58:6c:da:1e:cc' - \nDomain
>>>>> installation does not appear to have been successful.\nIf it was, you can
>>>>> restart your domain by running:\n  virsh --connect qemu:///system start
>>>>> HostedEngineLocal\notherwise, please restart your installation.",
>>>>> "stderr_lines": ["ERROR    unsupported configuration: Unable to use MAC
>>>>> address starting with reserved value 0xFE - 'fe:58:6c:da:1e:cc' - ",
>>>>> "Domain installation does not appear to have been successful.", "If it 
>>>>> was,
>>>>> you can restart your domain by running:", "  virsh --connect
>>>>> qemu:///system start HostedEngineLocal", "otherwise, please restart
>>>>> your installation."], "stdout": "\nStarting install...", "stdout_lines":
>>>>> ["", "Starting install..."]}
>>>>> Seems it doesn't take into account reserved values when generating.
>>>> If not specified by the user,
>>>> a random unicast MAC address is randomly generated here:
>>>> https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-ansible-hosted-engine-setup/blob/master/tasks/pre_checks/validate_mac_address.yml#L4
>>>> for sure it's unicast but maybe we should make it more robust on
>>>> reserved values.
>>>> Simply try again for now; I'll open an issue to track it, thanks!
>>>>> I hope this feedback is valuable - I have a good feeling about the
>>>>> current deploy otherwise though.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Callum
>>>>> --
>>>>> Callum Smith
>>>>> Research Computing Core
>>>>> Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>>>>> University of Oxford
>>>>> e. cal...@well.ox.ac.uk
>>>>> On 29 Mar 2019, at 11:01, Simone Tiraboschi <stira...@redhat.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 11:56 AM Callum Smith <cal...@well.ox.ac.uk>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Simone,
>>>>>> It doesn't seem to want to work:
>>>>>> # Settings
>>>>>> he_fqdn: "he.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk"
>>>>>> he_ansible_host_name: "virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk"
>>>>>> he_admin_password:  <snip>
>>>>>> he_appliance_password:  <snip>
>>>>>> # Resources
>>>>>> he_mem_size_MB: "4096"
>>>>>> # Storage
>>>>>> he_domain_type: "nfs"
>>>>>> he_storage_domain_addr: <snip>
>>>>>> he_storage_domain_path: <snip>
>>>>>> # Network
>>>>>> he_vm_ip_addr: ""
>>>>>> he_vm_ip_prefix: "20"
>>>>>> he_dns_addr: ["","",""]
>>>>>> he_default_gateway_4: ""
>>>>>> he_gateway: he_default_gateway_4
>>>>>> he_force_ip4: true
>>>>>> he_bridge_if: bond0.910
>>>>>> #he_just_collect_network_interfaces: true
>>>>>> # Email
>>>>>> he_smtp_port: 25
>>>>>> he_smtp_server: smtp.ox.ac.uk
>>>>>> he_dest_email: rescomp-...@well.ox.ac.uk
>>>>>> he_source_email: ov...@bmrc.ox.ac.uk
>>>>>> # Ansible Stuff
>>>>>> ansible_ssh_user: root
>>>>>> ansible_become: false
>>>>>> host_key_checking: false
>>>>>> I've attached the output of the ansible command as a log file, this
>>>>>> is what happens when the IF bond0.910 is assigned the IP and `ovirtmgmt` 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> not defined on the host.
>>>>> TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : debug]
>>>>> *******************************************************************************************************************************************
>>>>> ok: [virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk] => {
>>>>>     "target_address_v4": {
>>>>>         "changed": true,
>>>>>         "cmd": "ip addr show ovirtmgmt | grep 'inet ' | cut -d' ' -f6
>>>>> | cut -d'/' -f1",
>>>>>         "delta": "0:00:00.008744",
>>>>>         "end": "2019-03-29 10:26:07.510481",
>>>>>         "failed": false,
>>>>>         "rc": 0,
>>>>>         "start": "2019-03-29 10:26:07.501737",
>>>>>         "stderr": "",
>>>>>         "stderr_lines": [],
>>>>>         "stdout": "",
>>>>>         "stdout_lines": []
>>>>>     }
>>>>> }
>>>>> according to the logs ovirtmgmt is still there.
>>>>> can you please share the output of 'ip a'?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Callum
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Callum Smith
>>>>>> Research Computing Core
>>>>>> Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>>>>>> University of Oxford
>>>>>> e. cal...@well.ox.ac.uk
>>>>>> On 28 Mar 2019, at 16:23, Simone Tiraboschi <stira...@redhat.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 1:44 PM Callum Smith <cal...@well.ox.ac.uk>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Simone,
>>>>>> This is my experience too, but I'm now hitting this error on the
>>>>>> hosted-engine install at the part where it registers the hypervisor as 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> first host in the engine:
>>>>>> 2019-03-28 12:40:50,025Z INFO
>>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.host.HostConnectivityChecker]
>>>>>> (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [49f371c1] Engine managed to
>>>>>> communicate with VDSM
>>>>>>  agent on host 'virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk' with address '
>>>>>> virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk'
>>>>>> ('db571f8a-fc85-40d3-b86f-c0038e3cd7e7')
>>>>>> 2019-03-28 12:40:53,111Z WARN
>>>>>>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.network.NetworkConfigurator]
>>>>>> (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [49f371c1] Failed to find a 
>>>>>> valid
>>>>>> interface for the
>>>>>>  management network of host virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk. If the
>>>>>> interface ovirtmgmt is a bridge, it should be torn-down manually.
>>>>>> 2019-03-28 12:40:53,111Z ERROR
>>>>>> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.hostdeploy.InstallVdsInternalCommand]
>>>>>> (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1) [49f371c1] Exception:
>>>>>> org.ovirt.engine.cor
>>>>>> e.bll.network.NetworkConfigurator$NetworkConfiguratorException:
>>>>>> Interface ovirtmgmt is invalid for management network
>>>>>> The host's ovirtmgmt network connection is a statically assigned IP
>>>>>> on a VLAN on a bond, how should I be configuring this if not manually?
>>>>>> If you need to deploy over vlan 123 over bond0 simply configure a
>>>>>> device exactly called bond0.123 and statically configure your IP address
>>>>>> there.
>>>>>> Choose it for hosted-engine deployment, nothing more: ovirtmgmt will
>>>>>> be automatically created over that device and the vlan ID will be set at
>>>>>> engine level for the whole management network.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Callum
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Callum Smith
>>>>>> Research Computing Core
>>>>>> Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>>>>>> University of Oxford
>>>>>> e. cal...@well.ox.ac.uk
>>>>>> On 27 Mar 2019, at 17:09, Simone Tiraboschi <stira...@redhat.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 4:27 PM Callum Smith <cal...@well.ox.ac.uk>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> It's ok, migrating to 4.3.2 on the oVirt node (from 4.3.0) did the
>>>>>> job of fixing it.
>>>>>> It is a bug if you intend on using the ovirtmgmt network to deploy
>>>>>> your ansible from
>>>>>> This is a bit tricky: when the engine brings up the host it also
>>>>>> creates the management bridge and this could lead to a temporary network
>>>>>> down on the selected interface for the bridge creation time (a couple of
>>>>>> seconds?)
>>>>>> I tried it on a LAN and ansible ssh connection always survived but I
>>>>>> 'm not sure it's always true.
>>>>>> , and you need it to have an IP address already on that range! But -
>>>>>> it works as expected with the ovirtmgmt bridge setup so nothing to worry
>>>>>> about.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Callum
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Callum Smith
>>>>>> Research Computing Core
>>>>>> Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>>>>>> University of Oxford
>>>>>> e. cal...@well.ox.ac.uk
>>>>>> On 27 Mar 2019, at 14:57, Simone Tiraboschi <stira...@redhat.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 3:24 PM Callum Smith <cal...@well.ox.ac.uk>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear All,
>>>>>> We're trying to deploy our hosted engine remotely using the ansible
>>>>>> hosted engine playbook, which has been a rocky road but we're now at the
>>>>>> point where it's installing, and failing. We've got a pre-defined 
>>>>>> bond/VLAN
>>>>>> setup for our interface which has the correct bond0 bond0.123 and 
>>>>>> ovirtmgmt
>>>>>> bridge on top but we're hitting the classic error:
>>>>>> Failed to find a valid in
>>>>>> terface for the management network of host
>>>>>> virthyp04.virt.in.bmrc.ox.ac.uk. If the interface ovirtmgmt is a
>>>>>> bridge, it should be torn-down manually.
>>>>>> Does this bug still exist in the latest (4.3) version, and is
>>>>>> installing using ansible with this network configuration impossible?
>>>>>> I don't think it's a bug; please avoid manually creating ovirtmgmt
>>>>>> and simply set:
>>>>>> he_bridge_if: "bond0.123", in ansible variable file and the
>>>>>> management bridge will be created for you at host-deploy time.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Callum
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Callum Smith
>>>>>> Research Computing Core
>>>>>> Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>>>>>> University of Oxford
>>>>>> e. cal...@well.ox.ac.uk
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