Try with the VNC console 'hosted-engine --add-console-password'
Then connect on the IP:port that the command replies and check what is going on.
Maybe, you will need a rescue DVD and mount all filesystems and dismount them.
After that, just power it off and power it on regularly.

If you can't use custom engine config, use the xml definition in the VDSM log.

You will also need this alias:
alias  virsh='virsh -c 
qemu:///system?authfile=/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/virsh_auth.conf' , so you can 
use virsh freely (define/start/destroy).

Best Regards,
Strahil NikolovOn Apr 15, 2019 22:35, Stefan Wolf <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> after a powerloss the hosted engine won’t start up anymore.
> I ‘ve the current ovirt installed.
> Storage is glusterfs und it is up and running
> It is trying to start up hosted engine but it does not work, but I can’t see 
> where the problem is.
> [root@kvm320 ~]# hosted-engine --vm-status
> --== Host 1 status ==--
> conf_on_shared_storage             : True
> Status up-to-date                  : True
> Hostname                           : kvm380.durchhalten.intern
> Host ID                            : 1
> Engine status                      : {"reason": "bad vm status", "health": 
> "bad", "vm": "down", "detail": "Down"}
> Score                              : 1800
> stopped                            : False
> Local maintenance                  : False
> crc32                              : 3ad6d0bd
> local_conf_timestamp               : 14594
> Host timestamp                     : 14594
> Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
>        metadata_parse_version=1
>         metadata_feature_version=1
>         timestamp=14594 (Mon Apr 15 21:25:12 2019)
>         host-id=1
>         score=1800
>         vm_conf_refresh_time=14594 (Mon Apr 15 21:25:12 2019)
>         conf_on_shared_storage=True
>         maintenance=False
>         state=GlobalMaintenance
>         stopped=False
> --== Host 2 status ==--
> conf_on_shared_storage             : True
> Status up-to-date                  : True
> Hostname                           : kvm320.durchhalten.intern
> Host ID                            : 2
> Engine status                      : {"reason": "failed liveliness check", 
> "health": "bad", "vm": "up", "detail": "Up"}
> Score                              : 0
> stopped                            : False
> Local maintenance                  : False
> crc32                              : e7d4840d
> local_conf_timestamp               : 21500
> Host timestamp                     : 21500
> Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
>         metadata_parse_version=1
>         metadata_feature_version=1
>         timestamp=21500 (Mon Apr 15 21:25:22 2019)
>         host-id=2
>         score=0
>         vm_conf_refresh_time=21500 (Mon Apr 15 21:25:22 2019)
>         conf_on_shared_storage=True
>         maintenance=False
>         state=ReinitializeFSM
>         stopped=False
> --== Host 3 status ==--
> conf_on_shared_storage             : True
> Status up-to-date                  : True
> Hostname                           : kvm360.durchhalten.intern
> Host ID                            : 3
> Engine status                      : {"reason": "vm not running on this 
> host", "health": "bad", "vm": "down", "detail": "unknown"}
> Score                              : 1800
> stopped                            : False
> Local maintenance                  : False
> crc32                              : cf9221cb
> local_conf_timestamp               : 22121
> Host timestamp                     : 22120
> Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
>         metadata_parse_version=1
>         metadata_feature_version=1
>         timestamp=22120 (Mon Apr 15 21:25:18 2019)
>         host-id=3
>         score=1800
>         vm_conf_refresh_time=22121 (Mon Apr 15 21:25:18 2019)
>         conf_on_shared_storage=True
>         maintenance=False
>         state=GlobalMaintenance
>         stopped=False
> [root@kvm320 ~]# virsh -r list
> Id    Name                           Status
> ----------------------------------------------------
> 6     HostedEngine                   laufend
> [root@kvm320 ~]# hosted-engine --console
> The engine VM is running on this host
> Verbunden mit der Domain: HostedEngine
> Escape-Zeichen ist ^]
> Fehler: Interner Fehler: Zeichengerät <null> kann nicht gefunden warden
> In engish it should be this
> [root@mgmt~]# hosted-engine --console
> The engine VM is running on this host
> Connected to domain HostedEngine
> Escape character is ^]
> error: internal error: cannot find character device
> This is in the log
> [root@kvm320 ~]# tail -f /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/agent.log
> MainThread::INFO::2019-04-15 
> 21:28:33,032::hosted_engine::491::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop)
>  Current state EngineStarting (score: 1800)
> MainThread::INFO::2019-04-15 
> 21:28:43,050::states::779::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(consume)
>  VM is powering up..
> MainThread::INFO::2019-04-15 
> 21:28:43,165::hosted_engine::491::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop)
>  Current state EngineStarting (score: 1800)
> MainThread::INFO::2019-04-15 
> 21:28:53,183::states::779::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(consume)
>  VM is powering up..
> MainThread::INFO::2019-04-15 
> 21:28:53,300::hosted_engine::491::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop)
>  Current state EngineStarting (score: 1800)
> MainThread::INFO::2019-04-15 
> 21:29:03,317::states::779::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(consume)
>  VM is powering up..
> MainThread::INFO::2019-04-15 
> 21:29:03,434::hosted_engine::491::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop)
>  Current state EngineStarting (score: 1800)
> MainThread::INFO::2019-04-15 
> 21:29:13,453::states::779::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(consume)
>  VM is powering up..
> MainThread::INFO::2019-04-15 
> 21:29:13,571::states::136::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(score)
>  Penalizing score by 1600 due to gateway status
> MainThread::INFO::2019-04-15 
> 21:29:13,571::hosted_engine::491::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop)
>  Current state EngineStarting (score: 1800)
> MainThread::INFO::2019-04-15 
> 21:29:22,589::states::779::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(consume)
>  VM is powering up..
> MainThread::INFO::2019-04-15 
> 21:29:22,712::hosted_engine::491::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine::(_monitoring_loop)
>  Current state EngineStarting (score: 1800)
> But it is not reachable over the network
> [root@kvm320 ~]# ping
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
> From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
> From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
> From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable
> I tried to stop and start the vm again, but it didn’t helped
> Maybe someone can give me some advice how to get the hosted engine running 
> again
> Thx by stefan
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