Hi Pavel,

thanks. This happens to be a prefect way to add a storage domain with all
the available paths; but unfortunately, I wanted to add the missing paths
for the hosted storage data domain, the data domain hosting the self-hosted
engine vm; and I'm not sure how to "change" the configs for hosted-storage
domain without the GUI provided by the engine itself.

Kind regards,

On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 6:10 PM Pavel Bar <p...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Good day Francesco,
> If I understand you correctly you can try the following via GUI:
> 1) Go to "Storage" menu.
> 2) Go to "Domain" menu.
> 3) Press "New Domain" button. The "New Domain" window will open.
> 4) Choose "iSCSI" from the "Storage Type" dropdown list.
> 5) At the "Discover Targets" section:
>     5a) For each path:
>         5a1) Enter path at the "Address"  field.
>         5a2) Press "Discover" button.
>     5b) Press "Login All" button.
> Hope it helps.
> Pavel
> On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 11:48 AM Francesco Castellano <
> francesco.castell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear ones,
>> I beg your pardon for coming back on the same issue: let me rephrase more
>> succinctly.
>> A view from the REST API about our data domain is:
>>> $ curl -k -s -u 'admin@internal:supersecret' -H 'Accept:
>>> application/json' '
>>> https://engine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains' | jq '[
>>> .["storage_domain"?]|.[0:2]|.[]| {name:.name,storage: .storage |
>>> {type:.type, lun: [ .volume_group.logical_units.logical_unit[] | {portal:
>>> .portal, target: .target } ]} } ]'
>>> [
>>>   {
>>>     "name": "hosted_storage",
>>>     "storage": {
>>>       "type": "iscsi",
>>>       "lun": [
>>>         {
>>>           "portal": ",0",
>>>           "target": "iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a43"
>>>         }
>>>       ]
>>>     }
>>>   },
>>>   {
>>>     "name": "ovirt-data",
>>>     "storage": {
>>>       "type": "iscsi",
>>>       "lun": [
>>>         {
>>>           "portal": ",0",
>>>           "target": "iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d3100423524b"
>>>         },
>>>         {
>>>           "portal": ",0",
>>>           "target": "iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d3100423524a"
>>>         },
>>>         {
>>>           "portal": ",0",
>>>           "target": "iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a4b"
>>>         },
>>>         {
>>>           "portal": ",0",
>>>           "target": "iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a4a"
>>>         },
>>>         {
>>>           "portal": ",0",
>>>           "target": "iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235246"
>>>         },
>>>         {
>>>           "portal": ",0",
>>>           "target": "iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235245"
>>>         },
>>>         {
>>>           "portal": ",0",
>>>           "target": "iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a46"
>>>         },
>>>         {
>>>           "portal": ",0",
>>>           "target": "iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a45"
>>>         }
>>>       ]
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>> ]
>>  Is there a way to add to the "hosted_storage" all the available path on
>> different iSCSI portals and different iSCSI targets, as I did for the
>> "ovirt-data" storage domain?
>> Thank you very much for your suggestions.
>> Best regards,
>> Francesco Castellano
>> On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 2:53 PM Francesco Castellano <
>> francesco.castell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear sirs,
>>> we're trying to install an SHE oVirt 4.3.6 using an iSCSI SAN that
>>> provides us multiple targets (8) over 4 different portals. Following 5.1 of
>>> "RHV installation using Cockpit" we set up iscsi and multipath ahead with a
>>> 90GB LUN to be used for the engine VM. Unfortunately, even if the node OS
>>> sees correctly the LUN, e.g.:
>>> # multipath -ll
>>>> 36000d31004235a000000000000000018 dm-34 COMPELNT,Compellent Vol
>>>> size=90G features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
>>>> `-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=1 status=active
>>>>   |- 16:0:0:3 sdu  65:64  active ready running
>>>>   |- 24:0:0:3 sdt  65:48  active ready running
>>>>   |- 17:0:0:3 sds  65:32  active ready running
>>>>   |- 25:0:0:3 sdv  65:80  active ready running
>>>>   |- 15:0:0:3 sdx  65:112 active ready running
>>>>   |- 29:0:0:3 sdw  65:96  active ready running
>>>>   |- 28:0:0:3 sdy  65:128 active ready running
>>>>   |- 20:0:0:3 sdz  65:144 active ready running
>>>>   `- 21:0:0:3 sdaa 65:160 active ready running
>>> # lsscsi -ist | grep 36000d31004235a000000000000000018
>>>> [15:0:0:3]   disk    iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a43,t,0x0
>>>>  /dev/sdx   36000d31004235a000000000000000018  96.6GB
>>>> [16:0:0:3]   disk    iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a43,t,0x0
>>>>  /dev/sdu   36000d31004235a000000000000000018  96.6GB
>>>> [17:0:0:3]   disk    iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a44,t,0x0
>>>>  /dev/sds   36000d31004235a000000000000000018  96.6GB
>>>> [20:0:0:3]   disk    iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235243,t,0x0
>>>>  /dev/sdz   36000d31004235a000000000000000018  96.6GB
>>>> [21:0:0:3]   disk    iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235244,t,0x0
>>>>  /dev/sdaa  36000d31004235a000000000000000018  96.6GB
>>>> [24:0:0:3]   disk    iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a48,t,0x0
>>>>  /dev/sdt   36000d31004235a000000000000000018  96.6GB
>>>> [25:0:0:3]   disk    iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a49,t,0x0
>>>>  /dev/sdv   36000d31004235a000000000000000018  96.6GB
>>>> [28:0:0:3]   disk    iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235248,t,0x0
>>>>  /dev/sdy   36000d31004235a000000000000000018  96.6GB
>>>> [29:0:0:3]   disk    iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235249,t,0x0
>>>>  /dev/sdw   36000d31004235a000000000000000018  96.6GB
>>> # iscsiadm -m session | grep -E '[a2]4[3489]' | sort -k 3.8
>>>> tcp: [1],0
>>>> iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a43 (non-flash)
>>>> tcp: [2],0
>>>> iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a43 (non-flash)
>>>> tcp: [3],0
>>>> iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a44 (non-flash)
>>>> tcp: [6],0
>>>> iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235243 (non-flash)
>>>> tcp: [7],0
>>>> iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235244 (non-flash)
>>>> tcp: [10],0
>>>> iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a48 (non-flash)
>>>> tcp: [11],0
>>>> iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235a49 (non-flash)
>>>> tcp: [14],0
>>>> iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235248 (non-flash)
>>>> tcp: [15],0
>>>> iqn.2002-03.com.compellent:5000d31004235249 (non-flash)
>>> during the engine deploy neither via cockpit nor with "hosted-engine
>>> --deploy" it was able to see any LUN.
>>> Having a lot of portals (4) and each having 4 targets (two of which
>>> being independents path to the LUN), we chose a portal to discover, it
>>> proposed us 4 targets, and we had to choose a target to log in, but in the
>>> end, no LUN was proposed.
>>> After a few attempts, we found that, if we logged out from any targets
>>> (and clean up the open-iscsi database), after the login in an appropriate
>>> target, the installer proposed us the LUN, and we successfully deployed the
>>> SHE.
>>> But unfortunately, such an installation doesn't track effectively all
>>> the 8 paths over 8 different targets, but just the one chosen during the
>>> installation (this is different, for example, with respect to other LUNs
>>> for data domains that we attached afterwards). Thus we miss the HA we aimed
>>> to for the engine data domain.
>>> I said this, because when I ask for /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains,
>>> whilst a second LUN has 8 children with different targets
>>> below storage_domain/${another data
>>> domain}/storage/volume_group/logical_units/logical_unit/, for the
>>> hosted_storage I just have one.
>>> My questions are:
>>> a) is there a way to add the other targets/paths consistently (even
>>> through the REST interface)?
>>> b) is there another installation, or recovery, procedure to get the
>>> engine data domain in high availability on our iSCSI topology?
>>> Thank you so much for your suggestions, they are really appreciated,
>>> Best regards,
>>> Francesco Castellano
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