
After having rebooted the 3-way HCI Cluster everything came back online, all the gluster volumes are online, no split-brain info detected. Also they are mounted on all nodes.

The Volumes, Domains and Disks are all marked green in the Engine.

Launching a VM fails with

"VM test01 has been paused due to storage I/O problem."

A md5 sum of an uploaded ISO image from all three mounted cluster members yield the same md5, so does the source file on my PC. Creating a new VM and attaching that ISO fails: The ISO is not readable (says the vm console).

The Disk Image from the test01 vm seems sounds (file has correct size, file-tool shows correct magic header), other files (configs) are readable.

I did complete cluster reboot etc.

gluster> volume heal vms info split-brain
Brick node01:/gluster_bricks/vms/vms
Status: Connected
Number of entries in split-brain: 0

Brick node02:/gluster_bricks/vms/vms
Status: Connected
Number of entries in split-brain: 0

Brick node03:/gluster_bricks/vms/vms
Status: Connected
Number of entries in split-brain: 0

Brick node01:/gluster_bricks/vms/vms
Status: Connected
Total Number of entries: 0
Number of entries in heal pending: 0
Number of entries in split-brain: 0
Number of entries possibly healing: 0

Brick node02:/gluster_bricks/vms/vms
Status: Connected
Total Number of entries: 0
Number of entries in heal pending: 0
Number of entries in split-brain: 0
Number of entries possibly healing: 0

Brick node03:/gluster_bricks/vms/vms
Status: Connected
Total Number of entries: 0
Number of entries in heal pending: 0
Number of entries in split-brain: 0
Number of entries possibly healing: 0

How would I fix this issue?
Anyone got a clue on how to proceed?


with kind regards,
mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Christian Reiss
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