On March 8, 2020 5:34:30 PM GMT+02:00, Joe Sherman <joesherman1...@gmail.com> 
>Hello all,
>New to the group, apologies for any poor information. I have a home lab
>with a single host ovirt setup. I actually don't think I ever set it up
>exactly right, the agent vm was never created, it was running on the
>server. But it ran and I had a handful of vm's running on it
>I knew I had to rebuild it but was waiting for funds for extra
>Then the other day I came home and could no longer access the web
>Could get to the login page but after entering my auth info it just
>I'm honestly not even sure where to start. Does anyone know any good
>troubleshooting docs? Or any idea what may be happening? I can see the
>images and such in the proper folders so I don't think I have .lost
>anything. But can't access any of the vm's now. Any help would be

Hey Joe,

Welcome to the mailing list.

As you don't use the hosted infrastucture , you will need to sort some stuff 
for yourself.

First step, check if the HostedEngine VM is alive - use ping and then try with 
If you manage to get in -> restart the 'ovirt-engine.service'.

Wait 30-40s and try to access the web UI.

Otherwise, you can reboot the whole VM and check what is going on.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
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