Il giorno lun 30 mar 2020 alle ore 16:56 Joop <> ha

> On 27-3-2020 15:48, Sandro Bonazzola wrote:
> oVirt 4.4.0 Beta release is now available for testing
> The oVirt Project is excited to announce the availability of the beta
> release of oVirt 4.4.0 for testing, as of March 27th, 2020
> This release unleashes an altogether more powerful and flexible open
> source virtualization solution that encompasses hundreds of individual
> changes and a wide range of enhancements across the engine, storage,
> network, user interface, and analytics on top of oVirt 4.3.
> Important notes before you try it
> Please note this is a Beta release.
> The oVirt Project makes no guarantees as to its suitability or usefulness.
> This pre-release must not to be used in production.
> In particular, please note that upgrades from 4.3 and future upgrades from
> this beta to the final 4.4 release from this version are not supported.
> Some of the features included in oVirt 4.4.0 Beta require content that
> will be available in CentOS Linux 8.2 which are currently included in Red
> Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 beta. If you want to have a better experience you
> can test oVirt 4.4.0 Beta on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 beta.
> Known Issues
>    -
>    ovirt-imageio development is still in progress. In this beta you can’t
>    upload images to data domains. You can still copy iso images into the
>    deprecated ISO domain for installing VMs.
> Installation instructions
> For the engine: either use appliance or:
> - Install CentOS Linux 8 minimal from
> <>
> - dnf install
> <>
> - dnf update (reboot if needed)
> - dnf module enable -y javapackages-tools pki-deps 389-ds
> - dnf install ovirt-engine
> - engine-setup
> For the nodes:
> Either use oVirt Node ISO or:
> - Install CentOS Linux 8 from
> <>
> ; select minimal installation
> - dnf install
> - dnf update (reboot if needed)
> - Attach the host to engine and let it be deployed.
> I have tested the HCI setup but ran into a problem at the the end of the
> storage step.

Thanks for testing and for the feedback!

> What I did is follow
> Host is Centos-8.1 from above both steps done, no problem
> Install oVirt using the Cockpit wizard
> 1 - not needed as its CentOS
> 2 - 5 no problems, BUT
> Cockpit session timeout if you're not careful, fix:
> (add
> [Session]
> IdleTimeout=0
> in /etc/cockpit/cockpit.conf
> )

Yes, we found it too:

> If using step 6 and then choosing HCI setup the following is observed:
> Deploy fails at certain steps because missing:
> - hostname not in /etc/hosts
> - gluster-ansible-roles not installed
> - glusterfs-server not installed (firewall service name not available)
> - vdsm-gluster (don't now if its needed but sounds logical)
> - ssh-keygen
> - ssh-copy-id `hostname -f`
> --> dnf install gluster-ansible-roles glusterfs-server vdsm-gluster -y

adding +Gobinda Das <> here. I think that the HCI
deployment has been developed and tested only for oVirt Node consumption,
not really supported on plain CentOS installation.
Maybe worth to document above steps in HCI deployment doc or make it clear
to use oVirt Node instead.

> If the above is in place than gluster deploy will succeed and the
> hosted-engine deploy will succeed but the storage step fails when it tries
> to access glusterfs.
> I can't find the reason in the logs and maybe I'm looking at the wrong one.
> The wizard doesn't copy all relevant logs when it encounters an error as
> it did in the alpha release, atleast not at this point, never got to here
> in the alpha.

Gobinda can you please have a look? +Evgeny Slutsky <> can
you have a look too?

> Following is attached:
> From engine: /var/log/ovirt-engine
> From host: /var/log/glusterfs and /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup
> I can provide further logs if needed.
> Thanks in advance,
> Joop
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Sandro Bonazzola


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