On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 8:16 PM Strahil Nikolov <hunter86...@yahoo.com>

Hi Gianluca,
> The positive thing is that you can reproduce the issue.
> I  would ask you to check your gluster version and if there are any
> updates - update the cluster.

I'd prefer to stick on oVirt release version of Gluster if possible

Also check the gluster's op-version, as this limits some of the features.

What do you mean by thgis?

> If there are none - enable trace logs in gluster (
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_gluster_storage/3.1/html/administration_guide/configuring_the_log_level
> ), start volume peofiling, reproduce  the issue and then reduce  the log
> level  (it's generating a lot of logs) and stop the profiling.
> Once that info is collected, some of the Gluster members can check the
> situation.
> Best Regards,
> Strahil Nikolov

Ok. I think that the INFO level set on the different layers outlined
problem somehow related to shardin.

Related to this, I found no official docs on Gluster web site after 3.7
version... where is it?
Only information I found was in Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.5 Administration
Guide, but I would expect something more upstream...

In particular in my case where I have only one host and the gluster volumes
are single brick based, do you think I can try to disable sharding and
verify if using new disks with it disabled and oVirt thin provisioned disks
let the problem go away?

Also, I found some information about sharding block size.
Apparently the only supported size on Red Hat Gluster Storage is 512MB, but
oVirt sets it to 64MB....?
I also found a bugzilla about passing from 128MB to 64MB in oVirt 4.1.5:

Now I see that by default and so also in my environment I have:

features.shard                          on

features.shard-block-size               64MB

features.shard-lru-limit                16384

features.shard-deletion-rate            100

Not clear how to cross-check for all the values above in docs....

Can I safely set
features.shard                          off

In Red Hat Gluster storage admin guide it is considered only for replicated
gluster volumes (and so also ditributed-replicated...)
But in my case with single host and single beick for volumes I think it
doesn't give any particular benefit, isn't it?

I found this interesting post about sharding and connection between image
files and shard files:

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