On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 10:08 PM <csab...@freemail.hu> wrote:

> Hi,
> Our production ovirt system looks like: standalone management server,
> vesion 4.3.9, 6 clusters, 28 nodes (v4.2, v4.3) , one storage domain, (FC
> SAN Storages), centos7 vm-s , and some windows vms.
> I have a returning problem. Sometime when i power off a vm and power on
> again , i get an error message our linux vm (when we use lvm of course):
> dracut: Read-only locking type set. Write locks are prohibited., dracut:
> Can't get lock for vg.
> I can repair only 70% of damaged vm.
> I tried to localize the problem, but a can`t. The error occured randomly
> every cluster, every storage on last 2 years.
> Has anyone ever encountered such a problem?
I think one possible reason could be hypervisor not correctly masking LVM
at VM disk level.
There was a bug in the past about this.
Is this a fresh install or arriving from previous versions?

Anyway verify on all your hypervisors what is the output of the command
"vgs" and be sure that you only see volume groups related to hypervisors
themselves and not inner VMs.
If you have a subset of VMs with the problem, identify if that happens only
on particular clusters/hosts, so that you can narrow the analysis to these

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