Can you set one of the Hypervisours into maintenance and use the "reinstall" 
option  from the UI ?

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

На 25 юни 2020 г. 13:24:26 GMT+03:00, Erez Zarum <> написа:
>I have a Self-hosted Engine running on iSCSI as well as couple of
>Storage domains using iSCSI, both the SE and those Storage Domains uses
>the same target portals (two).
>I can see the iSCSI sessions and multipath working well from the Host
>point of view.
>Yesterday after doing a restart for the “ovirt-engine” all the hosts
>besides the one that runs the SE and the SPM went into “Unassigned”
>mode with an error stating the ovirt-engine can’t communicate with the
>Network wise, everything is good, I can reach all the ports, all the
>network is well configured, so I ruled this.
>Looking at the VDSM logs on those “Unassigned” hosts it looks like the
>VDSM can’t find the Storage Pool.
>(vmrecovery) [vdsm.api] START
>getConnectedStoragePoolsList(options=None) from=internal,
>task_id=217ec32b-591c-4376-8dc0-8d62200557ee (api:48)
>(vmrecovery) [vdsm.api] FINISH getConnectedStoragePoolsList
>return={'poollist': []} from=internal,
>task_id=217ec32b-591c-4376-8dc0-8d62200557ee (api:54)
>(vmrecovery) [vds] recovery: waiting for storage pool to go up
>If I look at the VDSM logs on the host where the SE and SPM is running,
>no issues there and the node appears up (green) in the ovirt-engine UI.
>I managed to set the hosted-engine to maintenance, shut it down and
>then start it again on another Host, when it starts on that Host, the
>host goes “green” and if the SPM stays on the previous host, I have two
>hosts working and the rest remains “Unassigned”.
>All the “ovirt-ha-agent”/”ovirt-ha-broker” services seems ok, I
>restarted them, I also tried to restart the VDSM on the hosts with no
>I have the VMs still running, I did shutdown one host (even used the
>“SSH restart” from the WebUI) to see if that helps, it came back and
>still went into “Unassigned”.
>It seems like the hosts can’t see the Storage pool.
>Where should I start to troubleshoot this?
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