On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 11:47 AM momokch--- via Users <users@ovirt.org> wrote:
> hello everyone,
> I apologize for asking what is probably a very basic question.
> when i login to my ovirt-engine webpage, the page show 
> "sun.security.validator.validatorexception: pkix path validation failed: 
> java.security.cert.certpathvalidatorexception: timestamp check failed"
> does anyone face it before and how to solve it
> the site is normal before which error message is just show near a month

Did you change the httpd cert, or are you using the default one
(created by engine-setup)?

Did you check the certificates for validity/expiry?

Searching the net for your error message finds many relevant
cases/solutions/etc., e.g.:


Adding Martin.

Best regards,
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