>How ,without reboot of hosting system, do I restart the oVirt engine?
># I tried below but do not seem to effect the virtual machine
>[root@thor iso]# systemctl restart ov

Wrong system - this is most probably your KVM host , not the VM hosting the 
Engine. Usually the engine is defined during the initial setup.

># You cannot restart the VM " HostedEngine " as it responses:  
>Error while executing action:
>    * Cannot restart VM. This VM is not managed by the engine.
That's not being done from UI. Either ssh to the hosted engine and issue a 
'reboot' and the ovirt-ha-agent on one of the hosts will bring it up, or use 
the 'hosted-engine' utility to shutdown and power up the VM.

About the engine not detecting a node up - check if the vdsm.service is running 
on the node.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
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