Anyone using vagrant with oVirt 4.4?

I am trying to get the vagrant plugin working with oVirt, but I am experiencing 
I wonder what other folks are using or if someone has any suggestions to offer.

We are trying to switch from vSphere to oVirt for internal, developer vm's at 
my office and we have a successful workflow using vagrant-vsphere plugin. 
Switching to oVirt should have been a simple step, but the issue I an having is 
a blocker.

I built a single hyperconverged server to test with. Everything seems to work 
fine when I bring up vm's manually in my "cluster." Networking, console, etc 
all work fine. Ovirt-guest-additions work fine and display the vm's ip in the 

When I try with the vagrant plugin, there seems to be a communication issue. 
Even though I can see the vm reporting its IP address fine in the ovirt web 
gui, it seems like the vagrant plugin is unable to do the same. The maintainer 
of the code says that he no longer runs oVirt which is why I am reaching out 
here to see if anyone has a suggestion or even an alternative to suggest.


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