
I installed fresh CentOS Stream on HP ProLiant and now trying to install Node 
SW from oVirt Engine WEB UI.
Software installation failed but no comprehensive description displayed in WEB 
Where I can find detailed logs what’s going wrong?

On node "sudo dnf repolist —all” lists required repos, with unnecessary 

Thanks in advance.

repo id                                                          repo name      
appstream                                                        CentOS Stream 
8 - AppStream          enabled
baseos                                                           CentOS Stream 
8 - BaseOS             enabled
debuginfo                                                        CentOS Stream 
8 - Debuginfo          disabled
extras                                                           CentOS Stream 
8 - Extras             enabled
ha                                                               CentOS Stream 
8 - HighAvailability   disabled
media-appstream                                                  CentOS Stream 
8 - Media - AppStream  disabled
media-baseos                                                     CentOS Stream 
8 - Media - BaseOS     disabled
ovirt-4.4                                                        Latest oVirt 
4.4 Release             enabled
ovirt-4.4-advanced-virtualization-testing                        Advanced 
Virtualization testing pack enabled
ovirt-4.4-centos-nfv-openvswitch                                 CentOS-8 - NFV 
OpenvSwitch           enabled
ovirt-4.4-centos-opstools                                        CentOS-8 - 
OpsTools - collectd       enabled
ovirt-4.4-centos-ovirt44-testing                                 CentOS-8 - 
oVirt 4.4 - testing       enabled
ovirt-4.4-copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:mdbarroso:ovsdbapp      Copr repo for 
ovsdbapp owned by mdba enabled
ovirt-4.4-copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:sac:gluster-ansible     Copr repo for 
gluster-ansible owned  enabled
ovirt-4.4-copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:sbonazzo:EL8_collection Copr repo for 
EL8_collection owned b enabled
ovirt-4.4-epel                                                   Extra Packages 
for Enterprise Linux  enabled
ovirt-4.4-glusterfs-7-testing                                    GlusterFS 7 
testing packages for x86 enabled
ovirt-4.4-ioprocess-preview                                      Copr repo for 
iprocess-preview owned enabled
ovirt-4.4-ovirt-imageio-preview                                  Copr repo for 
ovirt-imageio-preview  enabled
ovirt-4.4-virtio-win-latest                                      virtio-win 
builds roughly matching w enabled
powertools                                                       CentOS Stream 
8 - PowerTools         enabled
rt                                                               CentOS Stream 
8 - RealTime           disabled
spp                                                              Service Pack 
for ProLiant            enabled
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