Hi all,

I have installed the  ovirt-engine-sdk-python using pip3  in my python3
virtaul environment in my personal laptop

(base) kris@my-ThinkPad-X270:~$ pip install ovirt-engine-sdk-python
Collecting ovirt-engine-sdk-python
  Downloading ovirt-engine-sdk-python-4.4.14.tar.gz (335 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 335 kB 166 kB/s
Collecting pycurl>=7.19.0
  Downloading pycurl- (222 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 222 kB 496 kB/s
Requirement already satisfied: six in
./training/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from ovirt-engine-sdk-python)
Building wheels for collected packages: ovirt-engine-sdk-python, pycurl
  Building wheel for ovirt-engine-sdk-python (setup.py) ... done
  Created wheel for ovirt-engine-sdk-python:
  Stored in directory:
  Building wheel for pycurl (setup.py) ... done
  Created wheel for pycurl:
filename=pycurl- size=269770
  Stored in directory:
Successfully built ovirt-engine-sdk-python pycurl
Installing collected packages: pycurl, ovirt-engine-sdk-python
Successfully installed ovirt-engine-sdk-python-4.4.14 pycurl-
WARNING: You are using pip version 21.0.1; however, version 21.2.2 is
You should consider upgrading via the '/home/kris/training/bin/python3.7 -m
pip install --upgrade pip' command.
(base) kris@my-ThinkPad-X270:~$ which pip
(base) kris@my-ThinkPad-X270:~$ pip --version
pip 21.0.1 from /home/kris/training/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip (python
(base) kris@my-ThinkPad-X270:~$ pwd

and Created file  in the user kris home directory in the same laptop  // Is
what I am doing right ?

(base) kris@my-ThinkPad-X270:~$ cat ~/.config/ovirt.conf
engine_url=https://engine-dev   // what is this engine url ? its the rhevm
ovirt url this our service provider may can provide right ?
cafile=/etc/pki/vdsm/certs/cacert.pem     // I dont have any cacert.pem
file  in my laptop's /etc/pki/vdsm/certs/cacert.pem  no folder at all like
(base) kris@my-ThinkPad-X270:~$ pwd
(base) kris@my-ThinkPad-X270:~$

But  I couldn't find any examples folder where I can find the
download_disk.py   // So I have downloaded files for

and untarred the files where I am able to find the  download_disk.py


add_affinity_label.py            add_vm_from_template_version.py
 follow_vm_links.py       set_vm_lease_storage_domain.py
add_bond.py                      add_vm_nic.py
 get_display_ticket.py    set_vm_serial_number.py
add_cluster.py                   add_vm.py
 import_external_vm.py    show_summary.py
add_data_center.py               add_vm_snapshot.py
import_vm.py             start_vm.py
add_floating_disk.py             add_vm_with_sysprep.py
list_affinity_labels.py  start_vm_with_boot_devices.py
add_group.py                     add_vnc_console.py
list_glance_images.py    start_vm_with_cloud_init.py
add_host.py                      assign_affinity_label_to_vm.py
list_roles.py            stop_vm.py
add_independet_vm.py             assign_permission.py
list_tags_of_vm.py       test_connection.py
add_instance_type.py             assign_tag_to_vm.py
 list_tags.py             unassign_tag_to_vm.py
add_mac_pool.py                  attach_nfs_data_storage_domain.py
 list_vm_disks.py         update_data_center.py
add_nfs_data_storage_domain.py   attach_nfs_iso_storage_domain.py
list_vm_snapshots.py     update_fencing_options.py
add_nfs_iso_storage_domain.py    change_vm_cd.py
 list_vms.py              update_quota_limits.py
add_openstack_image_provider.py  clone_vm_from_snapshot.py
 page_vms.py              upload_disk.py
add_role.py                      connection_builder.py
 remove_host.py           vm_backup.py
add_tag.py                       disable_compression.py
add_user_ssh_public_key.py       download_disk.py
add_vm_disk.py                   enable_serial_console.py

Can I execute now the following from my laptop ? so that it will connect to
the rhevm host node and download the disks ?

(base) kris@my-ThinkPad-X270:$ python3 download_disk.py  -c engine-dev
MY_vm_blah_Id /var/tmp/disk1.raw      //is this correct ?

My laptop doesn't have space to accommodate 300 GB  so can I attache a usb
harddisk and can I specify its mount point ? or any other suggestions or
correcton ?  Because its a live host. I can't do trail and error on service
maintainer's rhevm host machines.

kindly correct me if any thing wrong in my steps .  I have to perform this
script running on mylaptop to  rhevm host machines without breaking

Kindly guide me.


On Wed, Aug 4, 2021 at 1:38 AM Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 7:29 PM KK CHN <kkchn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I have asked our VM maintainer to run the  command
> >
> > # virsh -r dumpxml vm-name_blah    //as Super user
> >
> > But no output :   No matching domains found that was the TTY  output on
> that rhevm node when I executed the command.
> >
> > Then I tried to execute #  virsh list     //  it doesn't list any VMs
> !!!   ( How come this ? Does the Rhevm node need to enable any CLI  with
> License key or something to list Vms or  to dumpxml   with   virsh ? or its
> CLI commands ?
> RHV undefine the vms when they are not running.
> > Any way I want to know what I have to ask the   maintainer    to provide
> a working a working  CLI   or ? which do the tasks expected to do with
> command line utilities in rhevm.
> >
> If the vm is not running you can get the vm configuration from ovirt
> using the API:
>     GET /api/vms/{vm-id}
> You may need more API calls to get info about the disks, follow the <links>
> in the returned xml.
> > I have one more question :    Which command can I execute on an rhevm
> node  to manually export ( not through GUI portal) a   VMs to   required
> format  ?
> >
> > For example;   1.  I need to get  one  VM and disks attached to it  as
> raw images.  Is this possible how?
> >
> > and another    2. VM and disk attached to it as  Ova or( what other good
> format) which suitable to upload to glance ?
> Arik can add more info on exporting.
> >   Each VMs are around 200 to 300 GB with disk volumes ( so where should
> be the images exported to which path to specify ? to the host node(if the
> host doesn't have space  or NFS mount ? how to specify the target location
> where the VM image get stored in case of NFS mount ( available ?)
> You have 2 options:
> - Download the disks using the SDK
> - Export the VM to OVA
> When exporting to OVA, you will always get qcow2 images, which you can
> later
> convert to raw using "qemu-img convert"
> When downloading the disks, you control the image format, for example
> this will download
> the disk in any format, collapsing all snapshots to the raw format:
>  $ python3
> /usr/share/doc/python3-ovirt-engine-sdk4/examples/download_disk.py
> -c engine-dev 3649d84b-6f35-4314-900a-5e8024e3905c /var/tmp/disk1.raw
> This requires ovirt.conf file:
> $ cat ~/.config/ovirt.conf
> [engine-dev]
> engine_url = https://engine-dev
> username = admin@internal
> password = mypassword
> cafile = /etc/pki/vdsm/certs/cacert.pem
> Nir
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 8:22 PM Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 12:22 PM <kkchn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > I have  few VMs in   Redhat Virtualisation environment  RHeV ( using
> Rhevm4.1 ) managed by a third party
> >> >
> >> > Now I am in the process of migrating  those VMs to  my cloud setup
> with  OpenStack ussuri  version  with KVM hypervisor and Glance storage.
> >> >
> >> > The third party is making down each VM and giving the each VM image
> with their attached volume disks along with it.
> >> >
> >> > There are three folders  which contain images for each VM .
> >> > These folders contain the base OS image, and attached LVM disk images
> ( from time to time they added hard disks  and used LVM for storing data )
> where data is stored.
> >> >
> >> > Is there a way to  get all these images to be exported as  Single
> image file Instead of  multiple image files from Rhevm it self.  Is this
> possible ?
> >> >
> >> > If possible how to combine e all these disk images to a single image
> and that image  can upload to our  cloud  glance storage as a single image ?
> >>
> >> It is not clear what is the vm you are trying to export. If you share
> >> the libvirt xml
> >> of this vm it will be more clear. You can use "sudo virsh -r dumpxml
> vm-name".
> >>
> >> RHV supports download of disks to one image per disk, which you can move
> >> to another system.
> >>
> >> We also have export to ova, which creates one tar file with all
> exported disks,
> >> if this helps.
> >>
> >> Nir
> >>
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