When you say "As a side note because the engine doesn't make this very clear in 
UI: If you want to change the network used for the various roles,
(storage, VM, console, management, default gateway, migration) you do
so at the cluster level. (Main menu-> Compute -> Clusters -> Cluster
name -> Logical Networks) The roles are assigned to virtual networks,
not the interfaces on each host."

Does this mean I should be adding for example Vlan 100 (new MGMT vlan) to all 
the hosts, set the IP and then go to cluster and set this vl100 network as mgmt 

Because when I attempt to change the IP on the ovirtmgmt interface of a node 
and then waiting, it doesnt apply. Even if while It is changing the config, I 
switch the native vlan of that port to vl100. 
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