
I'm just writing my experiences in case others have come across similar issues 
or have a similar configuration.

I have a single PC, well iMac, home lab environment with VMware Fusion 12.x for 
Virtualisation. I have tried to setup oVirt 4.5 as a self-hosted engine, 
deployed on an oVirt 4.5.0 node VM (with nested virtualisation) and the engine 
deployment fails at this point:

[ INFO  ] TASK [ovirt.ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Get local VM IP]
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 90, "changed": true, 
"cmd": "virsh -r net-dhcp-leases default | grep -i 00:16:3e:36:90:88 | awk '{ 
print $5 }' | cut -f1 -d'/'", "delta": "0:00:00.052065", "end": "2022-04-27 
21:12:08.176323", "msg": "", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-04-27 21:12:08.124258", 
"stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

This seems to be the point where the oVirt Engine has gone though an initial 
deployment and Ansible is trying to get the IP of the ovirt engine to resume 
configuration and testing. I believe the VM is running on the oVirt node at 
this point and there is a Linux bridge between the oVirt node and engine VM. 
The oVirt node itself has two vNICs, one as the oVirt management network and a 
second unconfigured NIC to be used for Gluster storage. I access oVirt nodes 
and Cockpit via a "client" linux VM also on the oVirt management network.

It feels like it's this Linux bridge and networking which is not working 
correctly and causing the deployment to fail. This could be due to the fact 
that I'm using a virtualised NIC and while promiscuous mode and perhaps some 
other features are sort-of supported, features needed for this kind of complex 
networking are not. This is despite the network I'm using being an internal one 
without the iMAC host connected. WAN connections for oVirt are via a NAT 
gateway/firewall VM that has the LAN side on the oVirt management network and 
the WAN side using a bridge with the hosts's NIC (wifi in my case).

I did get similar results when I tried to set up OpenStack Neutron Networking; 
I could not get traffic to cross the Linux Bridge from one Compute Node VM to 
another. There are a small handful of results of other people coming across 
this same issue/error and many of them are also using nested Virtualisation 
either in ESXi, VirtualBox etc

The Linux Bridge created by the oVirt engine deployment is (from Cockpit):
virbr0Bridge 52:54:00:8F:28:3A
Status, fe80:0:0:0:5054:ff:fe8f:283a/64, 
    Connect automatically
    Address fd00:1234:5678:900:0:0:0:1/64
    Spanning tree protocol
    Forward delay 2

I have actually seen traffic cross this bridge while watching the stats as the 
engine was being deployed.

If anyone has experienced this problem before and is certain it is due to 
having a virtualised network, then please let me know. Alternatively, if there 
is a workaround, that would be great, otherwise I can do more troubleshooting 
on request but it does feel like this is ultimately a problem related to the 
platform I'm using - which would not be encountered in a production environment.

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