Here is how I manually cancel backup operations caught in a finalizing state 
from Veeam. I've logged multiple tickets with Veeam about this issue. There is 
a forum post [1] about it as well.

1. Obtain a oAuth access token (if keycloak is used).

curl -k -H "Accept: application/json" 

Where the <username> and <password> are URL encoded. It can easily be done with 
urllib in python.

>>> import urllib.parse
>>> query = "admin@ovirt@internalsso"
>>> urllib.parse.quote(query)
>>> query = "super!secret"
>>> urllib.parse.quote(query)

The curl command will return a JSON object, extract the value of the 
access_token, set it aside. It's good for a while.


More information can be found here:

2. Gather the VM IDs of the affected machines from the Engine UI.


3. List the backups for each VM. This will return an XML object. Extract the 
backup-id <backup id="...">.

curl --insecure --header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" --request GET 
--header 'Version: 4' https://<engine>/ovirt-engine/api/vms/${vmid}/backups

4. Log into the engine or anywhere the oVirt SDK is installed.

5. Configure the client, check and set the following:

a. Create a file in ~/.config called ovirt.conf.

b. Download a copy of the engine CA to the home directory.

c. Specify the engine URL, username, password, and path to ca.


The <username> and <password> are not encoded. Ensure the permissions of the 
file are set to 0600 or 0400.

6. Use the script in 

engine ~]$ /usr/share/doc/python3-ovirt-engine-sdk4/examples/ -c 
<engine-id> stop <vm-id> <backup-id>

Where <engine-id> matches an entry in ~/.config/ovirt.conf. In this case I 
called it "engine".

Once the backup has been cancelled, go ahead and delete any lingering Veeam 

You should be able to create snapshots as well, but I noticed Veeam backups 
will consistently fail if there are any preexisting snapshots. It seems to 
think there are 0 bytes in the disk image and immediately fail. The only way I 
found to backup a VM using the most recent Veeam plugin is to ensure all 
snapshots are deleted.

The other thing I recently noticed is that ovirt-imageio service eventually 
stops responding to requests, resulting in consistent backup failures. Each 
backup request will remain in a finalizing state, requiring them to be manually 
cancelled as outlined above.

After the last round of backup failures, I finally noticed about 14+ 
connections from the RHEV Backup Proxy from Veeam (or passed through the engine 
by Veeam) to each Hypervisior. The connection state is CLOSE_WAIT. The logs for 
ovirt-imageio have uncaught exceptions, connection closed by peer responses. 
Not sure if this is the reason why they are lingering around at the application 
level. However, if there are no backups in progress, go ahead and restart the 
service. It might take a few minutes for it to restart. The service should 
start responding, all CLOSE_WAIT connections will be gone.

systemctl restart ovirt-imageio

Each time I find something different with the most recent RHEV Plugin from 
Veeam, so my advise should be taken with a grain of salt.

Hope this helps!

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