Hi all,

I'm randomly getting this in the engine logs;

These times are UTC+1 so are different to the ovirt host logs.

2024-05-06 21:10:47,238+01 ERROR
[org.ovirt.vdsm.jsonrpc.client.reactors.ReactorClient] (SSL Stomp Reactor)
[] Connection timeout for host '', last response arrived 1604 ms
2024-05-06 21:10:51,750+01 INFO
 [org.ovirt.vdsm.jsonrpc.client.reactors.ReactorClient] (SSL Stomp Reactor)
[] Connecting to /
2024-05-06 21:11:18,994+01 ERROR
[org.ovirt.vdsm.jsonrpc.client.reactors.ReactorClient] (SSL Stomp Reactor)
[] Connection timeout for host '', last response arrived 1885 ms
2024-05-06 21:11:22,197+01 INFO
 [org.ovirt.vdsm.jsonrpc.client.reactors.ReactorClient] (SSL Stomp Reactor)
[] Connecting to /
2024-05-06 21:11:27,767+01 ERROR
[org.ovirt.vdsm.jsonrpc.client.reactors.ReactorClient] (SSL Stomp Reactor)
[] Connection timeout for host '', last response arrived 1779 ms

and I'm trying to debug why it can't connect.

The vdsm logs on the ovirt host don't give me many clues about what's
happening. I see the stomp requests;

These times are UTC;

2024-05-06 20:10:51,807+0000 INFO  (Reactor thread)
[ProtocolDetector.Detector] Detected protocol stomp from ::ffff: (protocoldetector:125)
2024-05-06 20:10:51,807+0000 INFO  (Reactor thread) [Broker.StompAdapter]
Processing CONNECT request (stompserver:95)
2024-05-06 20:10:51,808+0000 INFO  (JsonRpc (StompReactor))
[Broker.StompAdapter] Subscribe command received (stompserver:124)
2024-05-06 20:10:51,808+0000 INFO  (JsonRpc (StompReactor))
[Broker.StompAdapter] Subscribe command received (stompserver:124)
2024-05-06 20:11:23,240+0000 INFO  (Reactor thread)
[ProtocolDetector.Detector] Detected protocol stomp from ::ffff: (protocoldetector:125)
2024-05-06 20:11:23,416+0000 INFO  (JsonRpc (StompReactor))
[Broker.StompAdapter] Processing CONNECT request (stompserver:95)
2024-05-06 20:11:23,505+0000 INFO  (JsonRpc (StompReactor))
[Broker.StompAdapter] Subscribe command received (stompserver:124)
2024-05-06 20:11:23,505+0000 INFO  (JsonRpc (StompReactor))
[Broker.StompAdapter] Subscribe command received (stompserver:124)

but there's nothing around these entries to tell me what's causing the

Is there a script or command I can run to simulate what's happening here to
try and figure out what's going on?

Chris Smith
Hosting Systems Administrator
P   +61 2 9045 2800
E  csm...@squiz.net

Level 1, 435a Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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