Ciao Tilman,

while waiting for a "lorem ipsum" pdf (..still waiting...) I've resolved
the problem using findDestinationPage (below is the code).
the strange is that both methods current.action  and current.destination
give null.
By exploring the pdf with PDFDebbugger as per your suggestions online, I
see actionGoto set on bookmarks.
Moreover the PDF has been created as an Arbortext export to pdf.
What do u think, could it be possible the pdf is malformed?  (unfortunately
I don't have the permit to share it as it contains confidential infos)
Many thanks

here is my code (Kotlin):

val file = File("/home/miki/a/cover.pdf")
val document = PDDocument.load(file)

val outline = document.documentCatalog.documentOutline

val current = outline.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling   // testing
bookmark of para 2.1

                                println( current.getTitle())

//val gta = current.action as PDActionGoTo        // is null

//val pd = current.destination as PDPageDestination   //is null too

val pd = current.findDestinationPage(document) //as PDPageDestination

val allpages = document.getDocumentCatalog().pages
var pageNumber = allpages.indexOf(pd)+1

println("Destination page: " + pageNumber )


On Tue, 27 Nov 2018 at 16:35, Michel Cozzolino <>

> Ciao Tilman,
> as it's a reserved document, I've asked them to get a sort of "lorem
> ipsum" pdf built in the very same manner that can be shared with the pdfbox
> community.
> Still waiting for it. As I get the file I'll share it with you.
> Many thanks for your availability.
> ciao
> Michele
> On Sun, 25 Nov 2018 at 11:33, Tilman Hausherr <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> please upload the PDF somewhere. Most attachments are not allowed here.
>> Tilman
>> Am 25.11.2018 um 11:14 schrieb Michel Cozzolino:
>> > Hi,
>> > I'm a newbie on PDFBOX. I've to extract bookmarks and relevant
>> > destination pages from customer generated pdfs. All the pdf files have
>> > the very same structure.
>> > Opening such pdf in a pdf reader I see the bookmarks with pages.
>> >
>> >
>> > image.png
>> >
>> > But looking for page-destination in both PageDestination and
>> > ActionGoto modes, results in error. In fact both the following "if"
>> > statements result false:
>> > (Kotlin code)
>> > val document: /PDDocument/= load(file)val outline:/PDDocumentOutline!/
>> = document.documentCatalog.documentOutline var current: PDOutlineItem? =
>> outline.firstChild if
>> > (current.destination is PDPageDestination) --> results _false_ if
>> > (current.action is PDActionGoTo) --> results _false_ too
>> > current.title --> results the _correct_ value
>> > what am I doing wrong? Is there other way pdf store bookmark page
>> > destinations?
>> > Is there a way to analyse the structure of the "current" object?
>> > Thanks for help!
>> >
>> > Michele
>> >

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