Great. The problem mentioned by Andreas will be fixed in the next version.
On 22.11.2023 17:59, John Lussmyer wrote:
Thanks, that really helps. Since we are too close to release to try a
newer PDFBox jar,
I just added this little bit of code to our system so these PDF's will
work. (the if statement before creating the "PDOptionalContentGroup".)
if (!dict.getItem(COSName.TYPE).equals(COSName.OCG)) {
dict.setItem(COSName.TYPE, COSName.OCG);
PDOptionalContentGroup grp = new PDOptionalContentGroup(dict);
On 11/21/2023 10:52 PM, Andreas Lehmkühler wrote:
Am 21.11.23 um 21:26 schrieb John Lussmyer:
Ugh, formatting mess.
For more info, this is the "addOCGs:OCG" log line just before the
error message:
10:53:09.765 [etrix SwingWorker[0]] DEBUG ImposedPDFEngine -
addOCGs: OCG
The value for the type is an indirect object. Usally such values are
direct objects. The type check fails as it expects a direct object as
type value.
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