2020-01-29 11:43:26 UTC - Alex Yaroslavsky: @Alex Yaroslavsky has joined the 
2020-01-29 12:01:47 UTC - Alex Yaroslavsky: Hello! The company that I work for 
is looking for a solution for pub/sub over the internet with thousands (or 
more) physical devices sending and receiving messages to/from the cloud. We 
initially looked at MQTT with Kafka, but then found Pulsar which seems very 
promising. Does anyone has experience with Pulsar having thousands (or more) 
consumers and producers (with even more topics) over the internet? Are there 
any special security considerations when exposing Pulsar to the internet (is it 
even recommended)? Will be happy to provide more details if such are required. 
Thanks a lot in advance!
2020-01-29 12:12:42 UTC - Eugen: @Alex Yaroslavsky No experience -yet. But you 
should have a look at Pulsar proxy, if you want to expose Pulsar to the 
2020-01-29 13:23:30 UTC - Joshua Dunham: Hi @Sijie Guo. Thx for the reply. I 
have seperate containers for pulsar and bookkeeper. In docker-compose this 
makes a new host for BK which I need to tell pulsar about. Cant find an option 
2020-01-29 13:29:47 UTC - Antti Kaikkonen: Should effectively once guarantee 
work on a splitter function like this 
 or is it only for single output functions?
2020-01-29 14:21:17 UTC - TAREK ALSALEH: @TAREK ALSALEH has joined the channel
2020-01-29 14:37:29 UTC - Miroslav Prymek: Hello, I have some problem with 
Presto in the official 2.5.0 docker image:

```presto&gt; show schemas in pulsar;
Query 20200129_142802_00002_h8d66 failed: Failed to get schemas from pulsar: 
Cannot cast org.glassfish.jersey.inject.hk2.Hk2InjectionManagerFactory to 
I absolutely don't have a clue what's wrong. Could you please help me?
2020-01-29 15:44:50 UTC - Roman Popenov: I see! Thanks, that solved the issue! 
2020-01-29 16:10:05 UTC - Eric Simon: I am trying to create a function that 
takes in an object (Avro serialization). When the function is triggered, it 
throws the following error:
```ERROR :java.lang.ClassCastException: 
org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData$Record cannot be cast to```
2020-01-29 16:13:43 UTC - Eric Simon: @Mathieu Druart Did you ever figure out 
this issue? I am running into the same issue with my function :disappointed:
2020-01-29 16:34:36 UTC - David Kjerrumgaard: @Antti Kaikkonen Can you 
elaborate on your question a little?  The pattern is for producing multiple 
events from a single large data file or source, such as S3.  So the effectively 
once guarantee would apply to both the splitter function (to ensure the large 
data source is consumed just once). And the consumers of the output topic would 
also have the effectively-once processing guarantees as well.
2020-01-29 16:56:22 UTC - Antti Kaikkonen: @David Kjerrumgaard I was wondering 
if each record returned by s.split would appear in the output topic exactly 
once if the process crashes and is restarted when only half of the individual 
records have been published.
2020-01-29 17:11:24 UTC - David Kjerrumgaard: @Antti Kaikkonen Not as written, 
but you can easily add some highwater mark logic to handle such a failure.
2020-01-29 17:13:14 UTC - Antti Kaikkonen: @David Kjerrumgaard Yeah I was 
thinking that manually managing the sequenceId of messages should work.
2020-01-29 17:13:22 UTC - David Kjerrumgaard: Just store a &lt;source_name, 
record_num&gt; pair in the Function's state.  Increment the record_num on each 
record, and if the source is re-processed, then you would just skip the first N 
records until you catchup to where you left off.
2020-01-29 17:14:29 UTC - Antti Kaikkonen: Hmm that should also work, thanks.
2020-01-29 17:14:42 UTC - David Kjerrumgaard: no problem.
2020-01-29 17:23:18 UTC - Antti Kaikkonen: @David Kjerrumgaard Actually I think 
that your solution is not foolproof because you have to increment the counter 
either before or after publishing a record. You can't do both in a transaction 
as far as I know. I think manually setting the sequenceId of published messages 
should work because then pulsar de-duplication should be able to remove 
2020-01-29 17:41:05 UTC - David Kjerrumgaard: @Antti Kaikkonen You would check 
the counter before sending the message. The `context.publish` method returns a 
future that completes when the framework is done publishing the message, so you 
can use that to determine if/when to increment the counter.
2020-01-29 17:41:48 UTC - David Kjerrumgaard: The deduplication approach would 
work as well, or a combination of both :smiley:
2020-01-29 17:42:32 UTC - Antti Kaikkonen: But what if the process crashes 
after the future completes but before the counter is incremented? Wouldn't that 
result in a duplicate in the output topic?
2020-01-29 17:44:15 UTC - David Kjerrumgaard: Yes, that is the one gap in the 
approach. Which is why I am thinking a combination of the two is best, as it 
would limit the number of duplicates that had to be handled by Pulsar, but 
still handle this one-off scenario.
100 : Antti Kaikkonen
2020-01-29 17:44:50 UTC - David Kjerrumgaard: If a file had 1M records and you 
failed halfway through, I don't think you want to send the first 500K again  
+1 : Antti Kaikkonen
2020-01-29 17:48:51 UTC - David Kjerrumgaard: @Alex Yaroslavsky I wouldn't be 
too concerned with Pulsar's ability to scale out to handle 1000s of clients, 
and 100s of thousands of topics. However, one security precaution you will want 
to use in such a scenario is to enable TLS client certificate authentication to 
prevent unwanted access. This would require the creation and distribution of 
these certificates to all of the physical devices.
2020-01-29 18:07:34 UTC - Mathieu Druart: @Eric Simon nop we did not ... and we 
were stuck with State management too (cannot activate State API in the function 
with the k8s deployment)
2020-01-29 18:10:04 UTC - Mathieu Druart: @Sijie Guo I will do it
2020-01-29 18:46:54 UTC - Sijie Guo: There is no problem to expose pulsar to 
internet. since Pulsar provides a lot of security features for that purpose. 
TLS, Authentication, Authorization and Encryption
2020-01-29 18:48:05 UTC - Sijie Guo: The current version of presto doesn’t work 
well in ubuntu and open JDK.
2020-01-29 18:48:15 UTC - Sijie Guo: There is an issue track this issue.
2020-01-29 18:48:24 UTC - Sijie Guo: We need to upgrade presto to a newer 
2020-01-29 19:27:02 UTC - Miroslav Prymek: Ok, thanks
2020-01-29 20:56:56 UTC - Addison Higham: :thinking_face: quick question, I had 
filled up a bookie, then deleted some topics that had some ledgers on that 
bookie, I expected to see the disk to free up some space but it didn't happen 
yet (after like 30 minutes). Does the deletion of ledgers after deleting topics 
happen periodically through some background job?
2020-01-29 21:23:39 UTC - Sam R: @Sam R has joined the channel
2020-01-29 21:27:11 UTC - Joe Francis: Ledgers don't physically exist. Multiple 
ledgers are multiplexed into an entry log on the bookie. Entry logs physically 
exist, and are deleted when all the ledger entries in it get deleted.
2020-01-29 21:33:08 UTC - Joe Francis: GC will clean up the "empty" entry logs
2020-01-29 21:39:31 UTC - Addison Higham: is there a 1:1 relation between 
topics and entry logs?
2020-01-29 21:45:15 UTC - Joe Francis: No.  Its all multiplexed everywhere - 
kind of like turtles all the way down.
2020-01-29 21:45:59 UTC - Addison Higham: gotcha, okay, so in the event I do 
have a lot of disk bloat, really, I just need to scale up disk, then eventually 
I can get back the space as offload happens and GC occurs
2020-01-29 21:46:40 UTC - Addison Higham: We offload pretty much everything 
over some period of time, but just haven't been seeing disk released as 
expected, which is fine, just need to keep a bit more disk around than I 
initially expected
2020-01-29 21:47:42 UTC - Joe Francis: A topic is at any given time written to 
one ledger. A ledger is , at any given time, written to an ensemble of bookie 
hosts.  A given bookie at any given time write all its data (from all the 
ledgers that its writing into )  into one entry log.
2020-01-29 21:48:39 UTC - Joe Francis: There are two settings you can control 
for compaction, which might help you
2020-01-29 21:49:34 UTC - Joe Francis: Compaction controls allow you to reclaim 
space at the cost of I/O
2020-01-29 21:52:48 UTC - Joe Francis: You can set the threshold at which an 
entry log is  compacted.
2020-01-29 21:53:18 UTC - Joe Francis: Refer these 
2020-01-29 22:01:22 UTC - Addison Higham: many thanks! that is super helpful, I 
honestly haven't had to dig a ton into BK details yet so that is a good jumpoff 
point :slightly_smiling_face:
2020-01-29 22:55:39 UTC - Konstantinos Papalias: @Konstantinos Papalias has 
joined the channel
2020-01-30 02:10:33 UTC - Roman Popenov: What might be causing the following 
error inside the broker:
```02:09:36.145 [bookkeeper-io-14-1] WARN  
org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.PerChannelBookieClient - Exception caught on:[id: 
0xb498631d, L:/ ! R:/] cause:
<http://java.io|java.io>.IOException: Connection reset by peer
        at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.write0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_232]
        at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.write(SocketDispatcher.java:47) 
        at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.writeFromNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:93) 
        at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.write(IOUtil.java:51) ~[?:1.8.0_232]
        at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.write(SocketChannelImpl.java:471) 
        at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:514) 
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_232]
02:09:36.145 [bookkeeper-io-14-1] WARN  
org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.PerChannelBookieClient - Exception caught on:[id: 
0xb498631d, L:/ ! R:/] cause:
<http://java.io|java.io>.IOException: Connection reset by peer
        at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.write0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_232]
        at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.write(SocketDispatcher.java:47) 
        at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.writeFromNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:93) 
        at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.write(IOUtil.java:51) ~[?:1.8.0_232]
        at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.write(SocketChannelImpl.java:471) 
2020-01-30 02:12:41 UTC - Roman Popenov: It also appears that the functions 
doesn’t read from a topic. I am running it in a kubernetes pod
2020-01-30 02:13:04 UTC - Roman Popenov: the function appears to be running and 
the logs are clean, but nothing is happening
2020-01-30 02:19:20 UTC - Eugen: Question about striping in BookKeeper (and I 
assume by extension, in Pulsar). sijieg states the following on 

&gt; BookKeeper also provides the ability to scale the throughput for a single 
stream by increasing the size of ensemble (an ensemble is a subset of bookies 
used for storing a given ledger or stream) and striping the data across the 
But afaiui, a single topic (stream) has only one log segment that it writes to 
at any point in time, and the log segment is replicated to a number of bookies 
(the write quorum), and which bookies out of the ensemble are used only changes 
when a new log segment is started. So how then can there be striping?  I 
understand striping as `different log entries being written to different sets 
of bookies to increase performance`.
2020-01-30 03:19:47 UTC - Joe Francis: You can set ensemble to be higher than 
write quorum(E &gt; W) . Then  striping (yes, just as you define it)  will 
occur.  Read ensemble(E) vs Write quorums(W) starting here 
2020-01-30 03:32:21 UTC - Eugen: @Joe Francis So striping is possible because 
of the concept of fragments - which are finer grained than ledgers, and every 
fragment has its own set of bookies. Is that how it works?
2020-01-30 03:37:56 UTC - Joe Francis: Not really. A Fragment is associated 
with an ensemble. When the ensemble changes, there is a new fragment.  Striping 
is within an ensemble.  There is an example for striping provided in the "Write 
Quorum"  section of the doc I linked above.
2020-01-30 03:48:51 UTC - Eugen: @Joe Francis I see this now. So the set of 
bookies for every entry can be different. Interesting, I had thought that all 
instances of a ledger (or fragment, once I learned about them) on the bookies 
involved would the exact same data. Apparently not. So now I understand how 
striping works. I'm surprised though that non-identical ledgers does not lead 
to maintenance hell down the road... (which entry is stored on which bookie?)
2020-01-30 03:51:39 UTC - Eugen: Different question: What is the difference 
between a major compaction and a minor compaction? The official BookKeeper docs 
at <https://bookkeeper.apache.org/docs/latest/getting-started/concepts/> seem 
to say there is no difference in what they actually do, i.e. how they compact, 
the only difference is the timing when they are triggered.
&gt; There are two kinds of compaction running with different frequency: minor 
compaction and major compaction. The differences between minor compaction and 
major compaction lies in their threshold value and compaction interval.
2020-01-30 03:54:08 UTC - Joe Francis: There is a  only a fixed number of 
quorums possible for a given E/W, and so this set is defined . And the entries 
are deterministically written to this  set. (either hashed or round robin, have 
to look at the code, dont recollect now ) Given an entry id and ensemble,  its 
trivial to determine which bookies have the entry
2020-01-30 03:54:52 UTC - Eugen: @Joe Francis I see, makes sense - clever!
2020-01-30 04:05:41 UTC - Joe Francis: The major and minor is exactly what it 
implies from it defaults settings ( 0.8 and 0.2 utilization factor of entry 
log) The idea is that you set minor to run more frequent, but it moves very 
little data because the  UF has to fall very low for an entry log to be 
considered for minor GC and so that log has very little dat to be moved.  You 
set major to run less frequent, because it will move much more data.
2020-01-30 04:57:05 UTC - Eugen: Then my understanding of the use of that 
utilization factor was wrong - will read up on it! Thanks
2020-01-30 05:11:00 UTC - Hemant Dindi: @Hemant Dindi has joined the channel
2020-01-30 05:12:41 UTC - Antti Kaikkonen: Is it possible to concurrently 
process multiple messages with pulsar functions while retaining ordering? 
Example use case: transforming HTTP URLs to response contents which can be slow 
without concurrent HTTP requests. As an alternative I'm thinking of 
implementing a source connector which includes a pulsar consumer that puts 
CompletableFutures to a BlockingQueue while the reader takes them from the 
2020-01-30 06:37:34 UTC - Moacy Barros: @Moacy Barros has joined the channel

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