Hi Hsekar,

> What I would like to know is how multiple incoming messages would be handled 
> by this listener? Will each message be handled in a separate thread as in the 
> case of JMS listeners? If so, then how can I configure the number of threads 
> to use - is it by using the ClientBuilder.listenerThreads() property?

Yes, you can use ClientBuilder.listenerThreads() to set the listener threads 
numbers. The client will choose a listener thread for incoming messages in 
round-robin pattern.

> Is there a need to maintain multiple listener objects respective to each 
> consumer, when maintaining multiple consumers

It is not necessary, a listener can used by multiple consumers as long as they 
process the messages in the same way


On Nov 4, 2020, 6:33 PM +0800, Rakesh Nair <rakesh.n...@6dtech.co.in>, wrote:
> I'm fairly new to java message listeners and apache pulsar. Assume that I've 
> maintained a listener like so,
> private MessageListener<byte[]> generateListener() {
>        MessageListener<byte[]> listener = (consumer, respMsg) -> {
>            String respM = new String(respMsg.getValue(), 
> StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
>            logger.info(respM);
>            consumer.acknowledgeAsync(respMsg);
>        };
>        return listener;
>    }
> And a Consumer instance like so,
> Consumer<byte[]> c = 
> consumerBuilder.messageListener(generateListener()).topic(topicName).subscriptionName("Consumer-"
>  + i).subscribeAsync().get();
> What I would like to know is how multiple incoming messages would be handled 
> by this listener? Will each message be handled in a separate thread as in the 
> case of JMS listeners? If so, then how can I configure the number of threads 
> to use - is it by using the ClientBuilder.listenerThreads() property?
> Is there a need to maintain multiple listener objects respective to each 
> consumer, when maintaining multiple consumers i.e, something like this -
> consumerBuilder.clone().messageListener(generateListener()).topic(topicName).subscriptionName("Consumer-"
>  + i).subscribeAsync() ?
> --
> Thanks,
> Hsekar Rian

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