Hi all,

TGI-Pulsar is back!

In the past 2020, we have successfully run 18 episodes
and received a lot of useful feedback. Thanks to everyone who has
participated there!

We are returning this year with a new format to make it more interactive
and hope to provide more value to the community!

The new TGIP will be two webinars every month:

- "*TGIP - Project Updates*": This will be a webinar on the second
Wednesday of every month at 12 PM PT. It will be a one-hour session
featuring a deep-dive with one Pulsar expert and take you through the
latest project and ecosystem updates.
- "*TGIP - Office Hours*": It will be a webinar providing a platform for
Pulsar users, advocates, and newbies to have opportunities to talk to
Pulsar contributors, committers, and PMC members. We will answer questions,
share Pulsar best practices, use cases, and more!

The first "TGIP - Project Updates" will happen on Wednesday, February 10th,
at 12 PM PT. Join me there, as I will talk about the latest features of
Pulsar, Pulsar-Flink, KoP, and more.
The first "TGIP - Office Hours" will happen on Wednesday, February 17th, at
12 PM PT.

If you are interested in any of them, sign up using the below links.

Signup for "TGIP - Project Updates"

Signup for "TGIP - Office Hours"


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