Justin Ross wrote:
Hi, Josh. Do you have some kind of user session id you could use to create session-scoped queues? With a queue per active user, the world would remain coherent without the need to create and destroy things too much.

Josh - if you create sessions without explcitly giving them a name, qpid will 
generate a UUID as the name.
You can get it with session.getId().getName()

Of course if you have your own unique session identifier you can use that 

Justin -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Best Practice for Transient Sessions? Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 11:05:00 -0500 (EST) From: Joshua Kramer <j...@globalherald.net> Reply-To: users@qpid.apache.org To: users@qpid.apache.org

Is there a best practice for handling transient sessions - where server and local queues are created, publish and consume one message, then destroyed?

I'm thinking of a case where I service web pages. If I keep the same queues alive between transactions, then it is concievable that one persons web page could display data from the previous transaction - if that transaction is canceled before it receives a response, then the subsequent transaction will receive an invalid response. If I key the transactions, I can reject invalid transactions.


I'm looking into the capabilities of my web framework (Django) to handle persistent objects.


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