On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Pajares Ferrando<spaja...@dsic.upv.es> wrote:

> Please, I need help. I'm trying to run the Java Broker QPID. And I got this
> capture. Any suggestions please?

I suspect it may be to do with the startup script on windows not
coping with spaces in the path you've installed it into. Does it work
if you unpack it to somewhere without spaces in the directory name?

- Aidan
Apache Qpid - AMQP, JMS, other messaging love http://qpid.apache.org
"A witty saying proves nothing" - Voltaire

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:users-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

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