2009/8/19 Leglise Yann <ylegl...@sopragroup.com>:

> 2) If it is, are both implementations equivalent and compliant with AMQP the 
> same way? I am asking because using JMS, when you create a Consumer on a 
> queue that is not declared as an administered object, this queue is created 
> in the broker.

This isn't generally the case, it is dependent on the message broker
you are using. Nearly all brokers will have permissions to limit which
clients can create queues.

> I believe this a a normal JMS behaviour, but I have read somewhere that in 
> AMQP, queues must be explicitly declared, what I understood by "if queues are 
> not explicitly declared, they cannot be used".

This is likely referring to the underlying protocol. Higher level APIs
such as JMS are designed to shield the developer from the low level

Are you trying to write an application that requires queues be created
dynamically at run-time by a client?


Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:users-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

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