Full SASL authentication/encryption capability for the Python client was added to the trunk at revision 834975.

A new Python module "qpidsasl" implemented in C++ and wrapped for Python using Swig was introduced. This wrapper provides a generalized binding to the Cyrus SASL library. The Python client tries to import this module. If it cannot find it, it will revert to built-in capability that only provides ANONYMOUS and PLAIN authentication mechanisms.

This module will be built under the "cpp" build if the python-devel and swig packages are present on the development system. To use it, your PYTHONPATH must provide access to the following files (or those files need to be copied to where the PYTHONPATH can reach them):


The following library is also built (it contains the C++ implemented SASL wrapper):


When creating the Connection object, you may supply the "mechanism" argument with a space-separated list of acceptable authentication mechanisms. If this argument is left to the default value of None (recommended), the SASL library will pick the best available mechanism for you.

For Kerberos5 single-sign-on, the GSSAPI mechanism is used.

Some notes/caveats:

This is not yet hooked into the newer qpid.messaging API.
This is not built under CMake yet.
This implementation is specific to Linux/Unix. It is possible that a Windows implementation of the wrapper can be developed. SASL EXTERNAL (i.e. use of SSL/TLS client certificates) is not yet supported. This will be forthcoming.

Note also that I intend to add a Ruby binding to this module and move the Ruby client to it. Ruby already has this capability but using the same one that python uses will reduce future support headaches.


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