
I've done some request/response work with Qpid lately, and I implemented a Hessian layer to make it easier. I'd like to share it here if ever someone find it useful. The source code is available there:


If you've already worked with Hessian to do RPC over HTTP the principle is almost identical:

1. Create an interface defining the methods exposed:

    public interface EchoService {
        String echo(String message);

2. Implement the interface and extend the HessianEndpoint class
   (this is the equivalent of the HessianServlet):

    public class EchoServiceEndpoint extends HessianEndpoint
        implements EchoService {

    public String echo(String message) {
        return message;

3. Deploy the endpoint by attaching it to a Qpid session:

    EchoServiceEndpoint endpoint = new EchoServiceEndpoint();

4. On the client side, create a proxy of the interface:

    AMQPHessianProxyFactory factory = new AMQPHessianProxyFactory();
EchoService service = factory.create(EchoService.class, "qpid://guest:gu...@localhost/test");

5. The service is ready to be consumed!

    String echo = service.echo("Hello Qpid!");

Emmanuel Bourg

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