try doing session.markCompleted(new RangeSet() { message.Id }, true)
just after session.MessageAccept(new RangeSet() { message.Id });


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Petr Postulka <> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have just started to do some tests with Apache Qpid and i have run into a 
> problem with maximum number of messages, which can be received by the 
> subscriber.
> I am using a C++ broker under Windows 7 and C# client libraries in my test 
> application. If I am sending small amount of messages, everything is working 
> fine, but when i tried to increase the number of messages to more than 9999, 
> I receive only 9999 messages and no more. After the consumer is restarted I 
> receive another 9999 messages and it stops receiving again. Can someone tell 
> me, what I am doing wrong? It seems that there is some limit, but I can not 
> find where. I have found properties like qpid.max_size and qpid.max_count, 
> which can be set on QueueDeclare method, but whether I put there some big 
> number or not, the behavior is still same, only 9999 messages at maximum are 
> received. However if I set qpid.max_count=10, it behaves correctly, only 10 
> messages are queued and next messages are rejected. So it seems, that this 
> parameter does not influence the strange behavior.
>  Here is the main part of implementation of my publisher:
>        public void Start()
>        {
>            session = connection.CreateSession(500000);
>            session.ExchangeDeclare(configuration.ExchangeName, 
> configuration.ExchangeType, String.Empty, null, Option.DURABLE);
>        }
>        public void SendMessage(string routingKey, byte[] message)
>        {
>            IMessage messageToSent = new Message();
> messageToSent.DeliveryProperties.SetDeliveryMode(MessageDeliveryMode.PERSISTENT);
>            messageToSent.DeliveryProperties.SetRoutingKey(routingKey);
>            messageToSent.AppendData(message);
>            session.MessageTransfer(configuration.ExchangeName, messageToSent);
>        }
>        public void Stop()
>        {
>            session.Close();
>        }
> And here is the main part of implementation of my subsriber:
>        public void Start()
>        {
>            session = connection.CreateSession(50000);
>            session.ExchangeDeclare(configuration.ExchangeName, 
> configuration.ExchangeType, String.Empty, null , Option.DURABLE);
>            session.QueueDeclare(configuration.QueueName, String.Empty, new 
> Dictionary<string, object>() {{ "qpid.policy_type", "reject" }}, 
> Option.DURABLE);
>            session.ExchangeBind(configuration.QueueName, 
> configuration.ExchangeName, configuration.RoutingKey);
>            session.AttachMessageListener(this, configuration.QueueName);
>            session.MessageSubscribe(configuration.QueueName);
>        }
>        public void Stop()
>        {
>            session.Close();
>        }
>        #region Implementation of IMessageListener
>        public void MessageTransfer(IMessage message)
>        {
>            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(message.Body, 
> Encoding.UTF8);
>            byte[] messageBody = new byte[message.Body.Length - 
> message.Body.Position];
>            reader.Read(messageBody, 0, messageBody.Length);
>            Console.WriteLine(message.Id);
>            session.MessageAccept(new RangeSet() { message.Id });
>            if (OnMessageReceived != null)
>                OnMessageReceived(identifier, messageBody);
>        }
> I would be very glad if someone can point me to right direction how to remove 
> the 9999 message limit.
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Petr
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
> Project:
> Use/Interact:


Rajith Attapattu
Red Hat

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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