On 06/19/2011 08:30 AM, fadams wrote:
Hi again Gordon et al.

I'm making progress with this :-) so thanks for all the info so far.

Firstly with respect to the topic being subscribed to for events
"qmf.default.topic/agent.ind.event.org_apache_qpid_broker.#" is this
actually documented anywhere?

Quite possibly not, I discovered things mainly be looking at the code of the broker and existing management tools. It is something we need to write up better. If you have any contributions there that would be great.

I had a look through the QMF Wiki pages but
couldn't seen any info at all on the topics used by QMF (it also seems to
use qmf.default.direct for request/response - but again I can't find any

I'd have never worked that stuff out without your help.......

Secondly you said "The messages you receive on that will be amqp-list
formatted messages". It seems that Events are actually amqp-map formatted
(the QMF Wiki says "_data_indication       List of<qmf.content>  " too, but this
seems to be wrong given what I've seen in practice).

What version of the broker are you using? It certainly seems to be a list message for me on trunk.

See the following snippet from my hacky onMessage()

        public void onMessage(Message message) {
                try {
                        MapMessage msg = (MapMessage)message;

                        Map schemaId = (Map)msg.getObject("_schema_id");
                        String className = new 


So the JMS client is returning map messages to you? Can you get a broker trace for a simple case of that?

I'll keep you all posted and if I get anything worthwhile put together I'll
post it.


Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:users-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

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