Hi all,
I identified a use case when moving (via QMF) more messages than the 
destination queue can handle causes one message loss. See reproducer when 
attempting to move 300 messages to a queue with max count 100:

$ qpid-receive -a "ringQueue; {create:always, node:{ x-declare:{ 
$ qpid-send -a "fromQueue; {create:always}" -m 1000
$ qpid-tool
Management Tool for QPID
qpid: list broker
Object Summary:
    ID   Created   Destroyed  Index
    117  08:11:52  -          amqp-broker
qpid: call 117 queueMoveMessages fromQueue ringQueue 300 {}
qpid: resource-limit-exceeded: Policy exceeded on ringQueue, policy: size: 
max=104857600, current=1000; count: max=100, current=100; type=reject 
(qpid/broker/QueuePolicy.cpp:92) (7) - {}
qpid: quit
$ qpid-stat -q
  queue                                     dur  autoDel  excl  msg   msgIn  
msgOut  bytes  bytesIn  bytesOut  cons  bind
  3d03d063-4f1e-4cc2-822f-00d95d7e42e9:0.0       Y        Y        0     0      
0       0      0        0         1     2
  fromQueue                                                      899  1.00k   
101    8.99k  10.0k    1.01k        0     1
  ringQueue                                                      100   100      
0    1.00k  1.00k       0         0     1

My question is: is it a bug or intended behaviour?

On one side, the broker should not lose any message. On the other side, it is 
an operator mistake trying to route more messages than the destination queue 
can handle.. (and moreover, knowing the method responsible for moving the 
messages, it would not be trivial to fix this without performance impact, I 

Any comments?

Kind regards,
Pavel Moravec

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