On 10/10/2013 05:08 PM, Graham Leggett wrote:
More investigation has shown that someone had hard coded the qpid ampq v1.0 
driver directly into the code, which was taking precedence. With that removed 
we're now getting further, but still not out of the woods:

javax.jms.JMSException: Failed to parse entry: Not an AMQP URL 
amqps://amqp.sandbox.xxx.net:5671?jms.prefetchPolicy.queuePrefetch=1 due to : 
Not an AMQP URL: 

The URL worked fine with qpid-java-amqp-1-0-client-jms, but suddenly doesn't 
work with qpid-java-client - does the older JMS driver support SSL?

Yes it does, but the configuration is entirely different between these two clients. In particular I don't believe the 0.8/0-9-1/0-10 client uses 'amqps' to indicate ssl is to be used:


From the examples in section 3.4 I think the "url" you would be looking for would be:

amqp://guest:guest@client_id/test?maxprefetch=1 &brokerlist='tcp://amqp.sandbox.xxx.net:5671?ssl='true'sasl_mechs='EXTERNAL''

The client_id can be one of your own choosing of course and the username and password won't actually be chosen if you are using EXTERNAL authentication.

If you want to use a specific certificate you would use:


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